
バフィーのファンサイト(多分・・)の@buffyfest企画のジェーンさんのツイッターパーティ。 http://buffyfest.blogspot.jp/2012/11/wednesday-live-twitter-chat-with-jane.html ジェーンさんの計らいにより、ブラッドとバフィーの脚本を書いてるDrew Z. Greenbergさん @DrewZachary の2人も参加。ジェーンさんとDrewさんのツイートはブラッド絡みのとこだけ拾ってます。
GiftofAmber 🐥👑 @GoAFemslash

@JaneEspenson What advice would Willow give Regina about getting over her magic addiction? #EspensonChat #BTVS #OUAT #Crossover

2012-11-15 12:11:59
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@Barb8MacK @DrewZachary @GoCheeksGo I got into the ABC/Disney writing fellowship. I recommend it! #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:15:07
Barbs 🌸 @Barb8MacK

@JaneEspenson @DrewZachary @GoCheeksGo Ooh another Q what's ur fave thing you've created, whether a scene/ep/comic/character? #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:28:02
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@WillTurc @JaneEspenson One time, she said, "What's it like working with me? Like seeing the inside of a cuckoo clock." Killed #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:16:55
Lisa (they/she) @ 17,574/50,000 words 🏳️‍⚧️ @lisagemeni

#EspensonChat Cheeks, I'm loving the Husbands comic!! :) was it hard to transition from writing the show to a comic book?

2012-11-15 12:09:20
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@lisatwingomez At first. I wouldn't say hard, more like slow. I wasn't used to the format, but by Ish 3 or so, it was quick. #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:18:52
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@katbeansauce @DrewZachary @GoCheeksGo Oh yes, the nerd trio. Tom Lenk and Danny Strong remain dear friends of mine! #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:21:08
Samantha @defyingravitea

@buffyfest @janeespenson @drewzachary @gocheeksgo If you would write a spinoff show for one Buffy character, who would it be? #espensonchat

2012-11-15 12:17:56
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@irememberiloveu Oh many things! I love Disney movies, Greek Myths, and Shakespeare... can't you see @GoCheeksGo as Puck? #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:19:27
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Puck & Pan gay love affair! Who's with me? #EspensonChat RT @JaneEspenson @irememberiloveu Can't you see @GoCheeksGo as Puck?

2012-11-15 12:25:50
Tari @Willowy04

@JaneEspenson Being a good friend of Danny Strong, happy about his recent Emmy win? & how did your congratulations call go? #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:18:48
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@Willowy04 @JaneEspenson I just want it to be known that, during the Emmys, Danny said to me, "Jane taught me how to write." #EspensonChat

2012-11-15 12:27:53