Xpecial Tips

TSM Xpecialの毎日呟いているTipをまとめました
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #1: When learning support, it's better to be a bit overaggressive and die a few times than to be too passive and not know your limits.

2012-11-13 15:06:07
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #2: Wards are needed not just for playing passively, but for being aggressive too. A 2v3 situation is not a good situation. #XpecialTips

2012-11-14 07:18:26
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #3: One of the best times to engage on the enemy is when they go for a last hit. Every AD will last hit, punish them. #XpecialTips

2012-11-15 12:53:14
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #4: When trading hits, take note of the minion wave. Sometimes, minions end up doing more damage than champions. PCM OP! #XpecialTips

2012-11-16 10:16:20
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #5: Good supports know the CDs on their spells. Better supports know their AD's. The best supports know their opponents'. #XpecialTips

2012-11-17 06:54:57
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #6: Summoner spells are expensive. Having summoners up when the opposing side doesn't is a huge advantage in a 2v2. #XpecialTips

2012-11-18 11:59:25
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #7: The best time to engage is the opponent's worst time to get engaged on, e.g., leveling up before an opponent. #XpecialTips

2012-11-19 10:43:35
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #8: In lane, it's important to take note of not only players' HP, but the opposing lane's MP. (Knowing mana costs is good) #XpecialTips

2012-11-20 15:34:17
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #9: When playing a ranged support vs a melee support, ward the brush they are sitting in and avoid their engages. #XpecialTips

2012-11-21 12:43:04
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #9 (cont.): Harass with autoattacks and spells and remember that their engages have 10+ second cds. #XpecialTips

2012-11-21 12:43:22
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #10: When against an AD with Cleanse, make the him use Cleanse on a stun. Exhaust's damage debuff is unaffected afterwards. #XpecialTips

2012-11-22 09:52:30
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #11: When playing a melee support vs a ranged support, aim to hit level 2 first and immediately engage with level advantage.#XpecialTips

2012-11-23 15:59:20
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #11 (cont.): Be very careful with engages afterwards and ward the opposing brush. Avoid getting poked down, try to all-in. #XpecialTips

2012-11-23 16:00:03
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #12: When laning vs an AD with Cleanse and you have a CC ult (Sona, Leona, etc), use your ult asap to blow Cleanse. #XpecialTips

2012-11-24 15:01:39
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #12(cont.): Cleanse has 210 sec CD, while ults have ~120 sec CD. This gives you a one minute window to ult to full effect. #XpecialTips

2012-11-24 15:03:23
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #13: Observe the opposing lane's patterns. If they are passive most of the time and suddenly go aggro, care for ganks. #XpecialTips

2012-11-25 17:58:33
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #14: Keep tabs on opposing wards. Wards only last for 3 min, if you know their wards are down, ask your jungler for a gank! #XpecialTips

2012-11-26 16:11:11
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #15: When on purple side and you want to hit level 2 faster, ask the jungler nicely to start wraiths and you can do wolves. #XpecialTips

2012-11-27 13:08:12
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #16: Autoattack. Use your autoattack! As a ranged, use your spells and your AAs to harass. As a melee, AA when fighting. #XpecialTips

2012-11-28 18:43:50
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #17: Explore new starting options. You can now start Rejuv Bead and Faerie Charm for a faster GP10 or try Flask for high sustain!

2012-12-06 10:59:10
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #18: Sightstone is actually a gp10. Each ward you don't buy is 75 gold saved... Stop asking me why I don't get gp10s while streaming -.-

2012-12-07 16:48:21
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #19: Decide before the game if you want to go Philo -> Reverie or just use Flask and Chalice -> Mikael's. Flask AND Philo is too much.

2012-12-08 15:20:35
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #20: Watch this. No, seriously, it's the best tip. https://t.co/KOT6fgsq

2012-12-09 16:11:50
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #21: Janna hard counters Leona in lane. Janna nados makes it impossible for Leona to engage with Zenith Blade. http://t.co/ZD2PUh9k

2012-12-10 19:10:46
Alex Chu @Xpecial

Tip #22: Use your Explorer Ward for temporary vision. It's perfect for warding the enemy lane brush or to secure a buff level 1.

2012-12-11 18:39:14