Full translation of @itohh tweets about KAITO V3.

On early morning of January 6th, Mr. Hiroyuki Itoh (@itohh), the CEO of Crypton Future Media, tweeted the finished development of "KAITO V3". This is the full translation of these tweets, but obligation of errors in translation owes @3103net. @itohh has also told that Crypton Future Media will set official English announcement on their web.
3103.net @3103net

[Report] We had continued much development/adjustment and new year had come, but FINALLY "KAITO V3" development has finished last night.

2013-01-06 09:12:13
3103.net @3103net

If there will be no more heavy troubles, we'll be able to release it in middle of february as scheduled.

2013-01-06 09:14:40
3103.net @3103net

Now, I introduce "Piaporo Studio"(PS) bundled on "KAITO V3".

2013-01-06 09:20:02
3103.net @3103net

PS is the vocaloid editor for inputting and adjusting lylics and melodies with vocaloid, and,

2013-01-06 09:20:15
3103.net @3103net

as worksmanship of our development team, we programmed it for "less obstruction of creation process".

2013-01-06 09:20:29
3103.net @3103net

Without repeating the loop of parameter setting and playing, PS can continue to play repeatedly, and editing various parameters.

2013-01-06 09:26:27
3103.net @3103net

Please watch this video checking the operability. ->http://t.co/tvhBXSHR There are no bar limitation!

2013-01-06 09:27:29
3103.net @3103net

PS is also VST plug-in. All DAW handling VST can load and use it, So you can integraed with your DAW based music creation environment.

2013-01-06 09:33:33
3103.net @3103net

In your favorite DAW, you can apply effectors to Vocaloid with other SW sound sources. #vocaloid #kaito #miku

2013-01-06 09:43:29
3103.net @3103net

Furthermore, "KAITO V3" bundles its own DAW, "StaudioOne Artist Piapro Edition"(SOA PE).

2013-01-06 09:50:08
3103.net @3103net

This is the special version of StudioOne with the partnership of PreSonus in USA. SOA PE can only load two VSTs. #vocaloid #kaito

2013-01-06 09:50:32
3103.net @3103net

One of the VST witch the SPA PE can load is PS. And the other is "MUTANT", the sound file management tool.

2013-01-06 10:07:20
3103.net @3103net

MUTANT is our original development software for management sound files which tend to spread here and there in the PC storage.

2013-01-06 10:08:23
3103.net @3103net

You can download and use the stand-alone version of MUTANS free, both Windows and Mac version. #vocaloid #kaito

2013-01-06 10:19:12
3103.net @3103net

"KAITO V3" also bundles SW sound sources offered by PreSonus and free distribution sound line-ups of http://t.co/m4TDhr79.

2013-01-06 10:27:13
3103.net @3103net

Yes, with only the "KAIT V3" package, you can create everything for basic sound making! #vocaloid #kaito

2013-01-06 10:38:56
3103.net @3103net

DTM magazine plans special series of tutorial for making music tutorial with "KAITO V3" for beginners.

2013-01-06 10:39:28
3103.net @3103net

This series will starts from the release of early February, please check it with "KAITO V3". http://t.co/uECSAWLG

2013-01-06 10:39:42
3103.net @3103net

Many people ask PS can use on Mac.

2013-01-06 10:54:04
3103.net @3103net

But we sorry to say not to offer PS Mac version, because VOCALOID3 is not adapted Mac.(PS uses Vocalod API offerd by Yamaha).

2013-01-06 10:54:16
3103.net @3103net

We hope its Mac adaptation in the future, PS GUI is developed with OpenGL library.

2013-01-06 10:54:29
3103.net @3103net

So we think we adapt PS on Mac fairy easy if the Vocalod API for Mac will be released.

2013-01-06 10:54:36
3103.net @3103net

But the negative effect using OpenGL is to hard to fix the unexpeted troubles.

2013-01-06 11:12:29
3103.net @3103net

There is the possibility of incorrect display of UI based your environment.

2013-01-06 11:12:32