ALM Summit 3 - Day 3

米国ワシントン州で開催されている ALM Summit 3 の Tweets まとめ(2日目終了から最終日の終了まで)です。
前へ 1 2 3 ・・ 13 次へ
Lou "kick the nazis from the tweeters" M. @MachL7

#almsummit Scott Porads talk on its own was great but theae pictures are icing on the cake

2013-02-01 02:23:50
長沢 智治 \ Tomoharu Nagasawa @tnagasawa

こういうことしてません?ってこと。ね、そこのあなたw #ALMSummitJa

2013-02-01 02:27:27
Jasper Gilhuis @jaspergilhuis

Waiting for @aaronbjork's session on un-managing agile teams to start #almsummit

2013-02-01 02:31:31
長沢 智治 \ Tomoharu Nagasawa @tnagasawa

次のセッションのテーマは、テスターが他のすべてのロールと協調することについて、TFS を交えてのようだ。スピーカーは、MSの人ではない。 #ALMSummitJa

2013-02-01 02:32:28
Anu @anutthara

Speaking at the #ALMSummit on #Agile Testing with Visual Studio at 12:45 today! #qa #softwaretesting

2013-02-01 02:33:12
Anu @anutthara

Discussion on #Devops and Release Management with #VisualStudio at the Hands On Lab at 12 noon today. Come join us! #almsummit

2013-02-01 02:34:56
Simon Reindl @s_reindl

Unamanging agile teams with @aaronbjork #almsummit looking forward to it!

2013-02-01 02:47:36
長沢 智治 \ Tomoharu Nagasawa @tnagasawa

早期発見が圧倒的にコストがかからないというお話し #ALMSummitJa #ALMSummit

2013-02-01 02:51:33
thomas murphy @metamurph

when we find bugs earlier, we should celebrate because we saved money, if we don't what is our culture? Anna Russo, #almsummit

2013-02-01 02:52:36
長沢 智治 \ Tomoharu Nagasawa @tnagasawa

Functional Test - Field Test: Saved $750, Field Test - Post Release: saved $15,000 #ALMSummitJa #ALMSummit

2013-02-01 02:53:09
Mariusz Dullak @MDullak

Customers using our software should feel that they are falling into "Pit of Success" #almsummit @aaronbjork

2013-02-01 02:53:41
Steve Porter @stevevrporter

Finding bugs saves you money. Why don’t we celebrate that? via Anna Russo from @justimaginet #almsummit

2013-02-01 02:54:38
🕸🕷OakParkGirl 🕷🕸 @OakParkGirl

Un-managing Agile Teams with @aaronbjork - Focus more on a healthy environment for your team, than controlling them #ALMSummit

2013-02-01 02:55:52
前へ 1 2 3 ・・ 13 次へ