
プラチナゲームズ・プロデューサー稲葉敦志さんから、メタルギア・ライジング(METAL GEAR RISING/MGR)に関する大事なお知らせがあったのでまとめました。 こちらは、2/21発売予定のPS3向けソフトですが、既にクリア画面"らしきもの"が流失してしまっていることに端を発しています。 この画面を見た方から、そのクリア時間が5時間半であったことを指摘され、『ゲーム内容が少ないのでは?』という懸念について回答したもののようです。 このクリア時間設定は同社開発のタイトル「ベヨネッタ(BAYONETTA)」から実装されているようですが、既存のものにあまり見られない工夫だとも思われたので、業界のUI・UX設計でも注目する点になるかもしれません。 ※2013/2/12/14:00 稲葉さんの追記があったので追加、それに合わせて解説文も若干変更
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:50:11
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:50:30
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:50:44
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:50:57
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:51:10
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:51:22
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 10:51:39
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

About to post some important tweets, so please pay attention.

2013-02-12 10:51:58
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

It seems someone posted their MGR results screen and that people (mainly in the West) are shocked it says the clear time is 5.5hr.

2013-02-12 10:52:08
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

Here's the truth: First of all, cutscenes ARE NOT INCLUDED in that counter.

2013-02-12 10:52:18
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

Next: For every chapter you play in the game, it ONLY COUNTS YOUR FASTEST TIME. It doesn't track your total play time.

2013-02-12 10:52:28
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

What that means is if you replay a chapter for 10 hours, but you finally clear it in a time of 10 mins. Only 10 mins will be counted.

2013-02-12 10:52:38
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

So please don't get fixated on that end screen Clear Time being total game time because it is not.

2013-02-12 10:52:47
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

As I said, it is not how long you've had the power on playing MGR, it is a record of your best efforts playing the game.

2013-02-12 10:52:58
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

We came up with this clear time counting system as a way to fairly evaluate players. It hasn't changed since Bayonetta.

2013-02-12 10:53:07
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

However, I will say it is really disappointing that people try to use a single screen in the game to try and create negative buzz.

2013-02-12 10:53:17
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba


2013-02-12 12:49:53
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

Just a followup on my tweets: We aren't saying that screen capture is real. We don't know who took it or how it was taken.

2013-02-12 13:34:04
稲葉敦志(Atsushi Inaba) @PG_inaba

The game isn't out yet, but regardless of its veracity, that pic was causing questions, so we felt it wise to explain how our system works.

2013-02-12 13:34:13