中東和平と北アイルランド和平――Ali Abunimahのtweetsから

中東ニュースサイト、Electric Intifadaの設立者のひとりであるAli Abunimahさん http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Abunimah が、8月の終わりに、「中東和平と北アイルランド和平」のパラレルを考察する文章を、NYTに書きました。 Hamas, the I.R.A. and Us By ALI ABUNIMAH Published: August 28, 2010 続きを読む
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Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Το χόβερκραφτ μου είναι γεμάτο χέλια says Herself

2010-09-01 01:42:32
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Imagine if it were "breaking news" every time an Iraqi, Afghan, Palestinian or Pakistani were killed. #übermensch

2010-09-01 02:48:04
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

64 Kashmiris have been killed in two months by Indian forces. Has yet to be considered "breaking news." #settlers

2010-09-01 02:49:48
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Civilian deaths are always tragic. Israel must stop using civilian settlers as human shields for the land it is stealing

2010-09-01 02:54:43
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum I have always condemned attacks on civilians regardless of the identity of the perpetrator or the victim.

2010-09-01 03:17:53
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum unlike those who condemn attacks by Palestinians but despicably rationalize mass murder by Israel as "self-defense"

2010-09-01 03:20:06
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum And it is indeed tragic Israel cynically uses Jewish civilians including kids as human shields for expropriated land.

2010-09-01 03:22:05
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum that's my view on this attack too if you need me to grind the point. Is that still unclear?

2010-09-01 03:26:00
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum I just hope you also demand same clarity of those who rationalize routine Israeli state murder

2010-09-01 03:28:29
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Butcher of Gaza Ehud Barak promises to "exact price" for killing of settlers. Blood for blood. http://bit.ly/av93wz

2010-09-01 05:33:14
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Resistance is legitimate but killing noncombatants is not resistance and not "heroic" - not when Palestinians do it nor when "IDF" does it.

2010-09-01 05:55:04
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Although settlers do form state-sponsored and armed anti-Palestinian militias, those killed near Hebron were noncombatants.

2010-09-01 05:56:59
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@yaacovlozowick That's not what I mean at all. I am totally opposed to these killings.

2010-09-01 06:00:02
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum I agree with that completely. It is also a violation of international law for Israel to place settlers across that line.

2010-09-01 06:04:55
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum I understand your outrage, but find no evidence you've felt similar for Israel's mass slaughter of innocents. Lives are equal.

2010-09-01 06:10:03
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum When a state carries out war crimes and crimes against humanity, actions, not "intent" are what matters.

2010-09-01 06:36:22
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Ben_Birnbaum In any case, I hope you agree that after these killings, revenge attacks by Israel will only make things worse.

2010-09-01 06:37:22
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Falasteeni there is a distinction between combatants and noncombatants. These settlers were noncombatants when they were targeted.

2010-09-01 07:50:27
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@Falasteeni not everything is permissible even in a just struggle.

2010-09-01 07:52:25
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