
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

Yeah, I’d say flying ANA in economy is pretty nice. Tons of legroom, too. http://t.co/ttgdvs5Cyu

2013-02-28 03:56:45
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

.@jboner just arrived with his skis, carried in a “DoucheBag”. Literally. (see pic) http://t.co/iga9fIU3Dj

2013-03-01 15:49:08
Jonas Bonér @jboner

Japan Pow Pow "@jamie_allen: .@jboner just arrived with his skis, carried in a “DoucheBag”. Literally. (see pic) http://t.co/G7rgsO3YgF"

2013-03-01 20:04:34
Jonas Bonér @jboner

Scala Conference Japan was awesome. Scala community is thriving. Next stop is Niseko and Rusutsu for some Japanese powder skiing. #lovejapan

2013-03-03 12:40:54
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

Eating at Tonki with @eed3si9n, @jroper & @jsuereth. Looking forward to the best tonkatsu in the world!

2013-03-03 20:49:19
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

Had the best Jap Chae (Korean noodles) of my life, with @jsuereth & @jroper. Don’t tell my mother-in-law I said that. http://t.co/wFmvqCJgVo

2013-03-04 16:58:34
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

Bailed to go sightseeing at 3pm. Went to my old house in Meguro, the Hotel Okura where I lived for 2 months, the American Club & Tokyo Tower

2013-03-04 19:25:43
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

@dcsobral @edward_ribeiro agreed with Daniel. Kyoto & the Heian Shrine. Mt. Fuji. Ginza, Imperial Palace, Shibuya, Meiji Shrine, Akihabara

2013-03-05 10:15:24
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

Dinner last night with @jsuereth & @jroper - shabu shabu and sashimi in Ginza http://t.co/MVnqzR2ZBC

2013-03-05 11:13:35
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

@nbartlett Korean restaurant in Hiro-o was “Norubune.” @jsuereth & I went back last night, superb (& spicy) tak gogi http://t.co/ma1oioFQCp

2013-03-06 15:20:18
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

Leaving for home. @jroper is carrying his didgery doo. Never played for us, though. http://t.co/BvsfvUqrtG

2013-03-06 15:21:58
Jamie Allen @jamie_allen

My daughters love the kokusai (the pink one) and daruma dolls I got them. And now they love ChocoBalls, too! http://t.co/xHUihxeAjf

2013-03-07 10:39:54