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gov2.0SUMMIT  Grand Hyatt Washington Washington,DC September 7-8,2010 http://www.gov2summit.com/gov2010 続きを読む
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bandwidthcrunch @bandwidthcrunch

RT @timoreilly: Love Jules Polonetsky's idea that so many of the problems we identify as privacy problems are actually issues of responsible data use. #g2s

2010-09-09 01:02:55
Kitty Wooley ~ @kwooleyy@mindly.social @kwooleyy

RT @GovTwit: RT @dlblack: Taylor, DoT: move to #cloud caused many short term challenges due to biz process changes #g2s #gov20

2010-09-09 01:03:02
Gov 2.0 Aggregator @gov20

RT @dlblack: Co-op #cloud. The Illini Cloud paid for by many orgs contributing a small bit of $ to build a cloud system that serves all #g2s #gov20

2010-09-09 01:03:08
Gwynne @gwynnek

RT @timoreilly this morning's theme at #g2s: looking further out at the future of technology to future-proof policy [yes!]

2010-09-09 01:03:09
Gov 2.0 Aggregator @gov20

RT @gwynnek: Schools in Illinois pooling processing power to create a co-op cloud. @herrod Now that's collaboration. #g2s

2010-09-09 01:03:12
Jay A. Allen @jay_a_allen

Vague? Agile? XML? RT @sanchezjb: What does "future-proof policy" mean? #g2s

2010-09-09 01:03:28
qxotk @iamqxotk

Can someone tell me what #g2s is? Can't figure it out...

2010-09-09 01:03:49
Lucian Teo @lucian

Interoperability is an ongoing effort. #g2s

2010-09-09 01:04:02
ElectropixTV @calixte

RT @timoreilly: Love Jules Polonetsky's idea that so many of the problems we identify as privacy problems are actually issues of responsible data use. #g2s

2010-09-09 01:04:02
Ben Gross @bengross

Carl Malamud's excellent talk at Gov 2.0 yesterday is worth watching/reading. O'Reilly Radar has a nice writeup. http://ping.fm/Mr8IQ #g2s

2010-09-09 01:04:31
Thom Kearney @thomkearney

integrating systems creates a need for new governance. James Taylor #g2s

2010-09-09 01:04:53
Andrea Bustamante Valenzuela @abustamante_tic

#g2s @paloma brujeandome por no usar hashtag... esas cosas que inventa la "comunidad" (@jungkleinian live on http://twitcam.com/1ygb0)

2010-09-09 01:05:02
GovLoopAcademy @GovLoopAcademy

but can you future proof? RT @gwynnek: RT @timoreilly theme at #g2s: looking further out at the future of tech to future-proof policy [yes!]

2010-09-09 01:05:17
Steve Lunceford @dslunceford

but can you future proof? RT @gwynnek: RT @timoreilly theme at #g2s: looking further out at the future of tech to future-proof policy [yes!]

2010-09-09 01:05:18
Maha Shaikh @Open_Sourcing

Good! RT @timoreilly @CarlMalamud gives "Rousing, moving, elevating speeches that turn our shared history...." http://oreil.ly/ahAPb1 #g2s

2010-09-09 01:05:36
ElectropixTV @calixte

RT @matthewburton: Suggestion for #g2s organizers: put a permanent microphone in the center aisle. There are people in the audience with things to add.

2010-09-09 01:05:53
Matthew Burton @matthewburton@mstdn.social @matthewburton

Idea: a conference that does not allow slides. A spin on the @Ignite style, and just as disruptive. #g2s

2010-09-09 01:06:10
Richard Akerman @scilib

RT @thomkearney: #Gov20 is partly about creating a culture of sharing and collaboration. Pooling resources to get more for less. @timoreilly #g2s

2010-09-09 01:06:31

There's lots of interesting talks and ideas (with health IT implications) at #G2S today. Do a search on the hashtag to see the coverage.

2010-09-09 01:06:41
Douglas Black @dlblack

study other #cloud implementations, the tech, biz processes, change mang, org change & comm 4 lessons learned be4 launching ur effort #g2s

2010-09-09 01:06:47
Shireen, Harlem's Shuri, In Political Mecca! @digitalsista

took the "gov't as a platform" and "community as a platform" debate offline. will be doing a post about the interesting discussion #g2s

2010-09-09 01:06:55
Chris Amico @eyeseast

Question for #g2s folks: I'm talking to David Hale of Pillbox today, but I'm (a small) part of the story. Wondering how to disclose.

2010-09-09 01:07:17
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