#デマリン 国境を越えた内ゲバに挑む



Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@mariscontact Where is the evidence the rate of thyroid abnormalities is high among Tokyo kids? Specifically.

2013-05-24 11:23:43
Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@mariscontact I am not making any assertions. Why do I have to provide any evidence? Why personally attack me instead of answering?

2013-05-24 11:39:22
小山芳立@念仏無間 @khoryu

.@CephasSerhat All characters appearing in @mariscontact tweets are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental. #デマリン

2013-05-24 12:02:14
Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@mariscontact Thank you for teaching me a new Japanese word, though. ;)

2013-05-24 11:40:48
enagoya @enagoya

@CephasSerhat You live in Japan and know what is true here. We are afraid @mariscontact is totally under stress. She needs a psychiatrist.

2013-05-24 12:17:45
Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@enagoya @mariscontact It's hard to know what is true on this topic. But we have to stick to the facts to be persuasive.

2013-05-24 12:51:02
enagoya @enagoya

@CephasSerhat You're right. You can see the truth in Tokyo for yourself. @mariscontact

2013-05-24 12:56:18
Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@enagoya @mariscontact We won't see the effects of radiation for years. They are invisible now. So I can't see. @mariscontact may be right.

2013-05-24 12:57:09
Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@enagoya @mariscontact It is good to be skeptical of claims on both sides. But when it comes to children, better safe than sorry.

2013-05-24 12:59:05
Heart of Bitcoin @heartofbitcoin

@mariscontact @enagoya It's OK. It's easy to get paranoid in an environment like modern Japan.

2013-05-24 13:06:15


蹴球父ちゃん @hishikawachan

何かカンに触ることでもあったのでしょうか?工作員妄想も極まれりww RT @cowcowboya: もう味噌も糞も一緒すぎて一体何を言っているのかさっぱりわからん RT @mariscontact: 彼らは日本の子供たちを殺して平気でいる!私は許さない!

2013-05-24 11:51:30
桜餅(粒餡) @kawazu665

@cowcowboya 相手の返事がすごくセンス良かったけど、内心「何言ってんだ、この人」ってなもんでしょうね(^_^;) @mariscontact

2013-05-24 12:10:21
enagoya @enagoya

@cowcowboya @gloriousbeater さっきの人は日本に住んでるらしいから、東京の子供がもうすぐばたばた倒れる、なんてトンデモ信じないでしょう

2013-05-24 12:43:08


ドリフ大爆笑forever @Drif78

@CephasSerhat Hy @mariscontact She is the person who is famous for the demagogy mixed with lies and a hysteric behavior in Japan.

2013-05-24 13:08:13
ドリフ大爆笑forever @Drif78

@CephasSerhat When another person has it pointed out, she returns abuse. @mariscontact

2013-05-24 13:11:26
ドリフ大爆笑forever @Drif78

@CephasSerhat Please because you watch her, please do not have a bad impression in the whole of Japanese. @mariscontact

2013-05-24 13:14:10
ドリフ大爆笑forever @Drif78

@CephasSerhat I visited Iwaki-shi of Fukushima, but am very peaceful.

2013-05-24 13:16:06
ドリフ大爆笑forever @Drif78

@CephasSerhat Myself live in Tsuchiura city of Ibaraki that is next to the south side of Fukushima.

2013-05-24 13:16:29