Twitter CEOがみんなの質問に答えるよ。 #askev

New Twitter 発表後、まだ利用できないの?というTweetがあふれたのか、Twitter CEO の @ev さんがみんなの質問に答える「#askev」というハッシュタグで、フォロワーからの質問に答え始めました。 さすがに回答する質問は選んでいるようですが、NewTwitterやサードパーティへの考え、多重アカウント対応や、新デザインに関して、フォローのサジェストなんとかしてくれへの回答など。さまざまな突っ込んだ質問にも答えています。今回は比較的まじめに回答していますね。 こういったソーシャルメディア上でのやりとりは、リスクはありますが、ユーザーからの心証を良くしつつ、市場のニーズを図る意味でも効果的かもしれません。CEO自らがTwitterを活用している好例としてアーカイブしました。 続きを読む
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#AskEv Will the new twitter allow more characters to by typed instead of the 140 limit?

2010-09-18 05:01:20
Ev @ev

@Blogchives Nope, sticking to good ol' 140 for now. Thanks. #askev

2010-09-18 05:14:35
matt barash @mjbarash

#newtwitter is destined to have a far longer shelf life than #newcoke

2010-09-18 04:31:04
matt barash @mjbarash

#askev what is it about #newtwitter that has you most amped?

2010-09-18 05:01:24
Ev @ev

@mjbarash That's hard to say. I love the speed and the details pane. #askev

2010-09-18 05:15:04
Ev @ev

@mjbarash We're rolling out slowly to make sure it works well. Thanks for your patience. #askev

2010-09-18 05:15:29
matt barash @mjbarash

Cuz ya know, it's a normal Friday occurrence that the CEO/Founder of the site tweets back at you arbitrarily. #newtwitter

2010-09-18 05:26:17
matt barash @mjbarash

@ev is @adambain this Newt Witter guy you keep referring to? :) #newtwitter #askev

2010-09-18 06:01:20
Jean-Christophe Gatuingt @wullon

Vous pouvez poser vos questions à @ev à propos du nouveau Twitter avec le hashtag #AskEv. Et il répond vraiment !! :D

2010-09-18 05:20:32
Jean-Christophe Gatuingt @wullon

#AskEv A lot of users still prefer the old-style retweet (I do). Had you some thinking about this in the design process of the #newtwitter ?

2010-09-18 05:24:26
James Cotton @JamsCotton

@twitter will the new twitter shorten URL addresses in the process of writing a tweet? #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:03:58
James Cotton @JamsCotton

@twitter will the new twitter let a locked user let me read their tweets if I'm only following them via a list? #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:04:48
James Cotton @JamsCotton

@twitter will the new twitter cause you to deactivate unused accounts that have only ever tweeted like once and have good usernames #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:07:58
James Cotton @JamsCotton

@twitter will the new twitter have more trending locations? #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:09:15
James Cotton @JamsCotton

@twitter will the new twitter allow more symbols for usernames-as with the rate of it's current popularity it's becoming difficult #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:13:53
Ev @ev

@JamsCotton Not yet, but definitely something we want to add. #askev

2010-09-18 05:17:30
Ev @ev

@JamsCotton No, because they wouldn't have approved you. #askev

2010-09-18 05:17:53
James Cotton @JamsCotton

@ev so you won't give locked users the option of approving me for a list, so I can see their tweets only a list? doesn't make sense?

2010-09-18 05:24:04
Mike @fore_won_to

@ev Is there going to be a "new" official app for Android as new Twitter rolls out? #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:06:11
Ev @ev

@antifaapo We're always looking to improve all our apps, and we have a team working on the Android app, but it's a separate effort. #askev

2010-09-18 05:18:40
Jean Bansemer @JeanBansemer

@ev Will the new Twitter platform improve the user's ability to manage and access followers or are 3rd party apps still necessary? #askev

2010-09-18 04:06:33
Ev @ev

@JeanBansemer Yes, #newtwitter has a much better interface for viewing your followers and followings. #askev

2010-09-18 05:19:29
Sam Gilbert @sam1vp

@twitter any plans to show conversations between users in the details panel? I want to click a tweet and see the back'n'forth #AskEv

2010-09-18 04:31:35
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