
18th Sep 2010
E&C Talent. @EnCTalent

Yvonne Awuor. Enkare Nairobi- The place of cool water. Also the name of my business #Enkare! #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:46:36
Marvin Tumbo @marvintumbo

Is it just Nairobi with signs that say "usikojoe hapa" - "do not urinate here" Yvonne Owuor #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:47:22
Marten Schoonman @mato74

'Nairobi was green before green became the fashionable thing to be' -Yvonne Owuor #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:46:21
🇵🇸 Professional Absurdist @Chiira

The city is an ecosystem and we are a part of that ecosystem - Yvonne #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:47:52
Kevin Isaac 🇰🇪🇳🇬🇸🇸 @nyawizzy

Even if she is reading it! Its better than that horrendous #promulgation "poet" #TedxNairobi Yvonne Owuor

2010-09-18 20:48:18
Marvin Tumbo @marvintumbo

Who know what the source of art is but what we sense of it is in spirit - Yvonne Owuor #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:49:26
Marvin Tumbo @marvintumbo

Nairobi is a meeting place of Ecological Zones - Yvonne Owuor #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:50:54
Ben Bellows @benbellows

Yvonne on city as ecosystem "We, who are of Nature, express Nature when we talk of cities." #tedxnairobi

2010-09-18 20:50:59
E&C Talent. @EnCTalent

#TEDxNairobi why are we tweeting about bad promulgation poetry when Yvonne is reading about Green Nairobi? #concentratetweet

2010-09-18 20:51:26
Marten Schoonman @mato74

'Nairobi is a meeting place of ecological zones' - Yvonne Owuor #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:51:30
Mark Kaigwa @MKaigwa

Got a minute to breathe...but not for long. On goes #TEDxNairobi (@ National Museum of Kenya w/ @mgitau @teriwanderi) http://4sq.com/dc7vMp

2010-09-18 20:51:34
Aly-Khan Satchu @alykhansatchu

#Nairobi Its like a Sickness #TEDxNairobi Yvonne Owour #Nairobi's Zeitgeist Engare

2010-09-18 20:52:24
Marten Schoonman @mato74

'Cities are an expression of nature, a nest for humans' - Yvonne Owuor #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:53:31
Erik Hersman @whiteafrican

Jon Bohmer is doing well with the power outage messing with the #TEDxNairobi slides, lights, etc. He's witty.

2010-09-18 21:03:33
igiriwM@ @Mwirigi

Jon Bøhmer demonstrates the Kyoto Box, you can use the product to obtain carbon credits!! #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:03:51
Ben Bellows @benbellows

Kyoto cooker (name from the Protocol) is polypropylene slow oven with velcro seal. #tedxnairobi

2010-09-18 21:04:02
Marten Schoonman @mato74

Using mobile phones to collect carbon credits from households using the Kyoto solar cooking box - Jon Bohmer #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:05:26
Marten Schoonman @mato74

'Overpopulation is caused by lack of decent living conditions' - Jon Bohner #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:07:30
Erik Hersman @whiteafrican

Jon Bohmer is on stage talking about http://www.kyoto-energy.com - power outage, he calls KPLC his best marketing team. #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:01:01
Marvin Tumbo @marvintumbo

The guy who invented the award winning KYOTO box is now on stage - his name is Jon Bohmer #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 20:59:20
igiriwM@ @Mwirigi

Jon considers KPLC his marketing team, then just as he says that, as if on cue, theres a power outage! #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:08:09
E&C Talent. @EnCTalent

#TEDxNairobi Jon just called KPLC. KENYA PARAFFIN LAMPS AND CANDLES! Most interesting speaker so far.

2010-09-18 21:01:43
Erik Hersman @whiteafrican

"The poorest nations have the most sun and largest land areas to exploit solar power" Jon Bohmer #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:10:34
Erik Hersman @whiteafrican

There is no duty to import renewable power tech into Kenya. Solar water heaters now in the building code. #TEDxNairobi

2010-09-18 21:11:57
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