Mark Gatiss @ Comic Con Paris 7-7-2013

ドクター・フーの50周年を記念したドキュメンタリードラマ"An Adventure in Space and Time"の製作者&ライターであるマーク・ゲイティスがComic Con Parisのmasterclassに登壇した際の画像まとめ。 後半は、Classic Doctor Whoのアカウントを通してMark Gatissがファンの質問に回答したものもまとめています。
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@TheCyberstudent It's nice to bring something back but better to create something that people will be nostalgic about in years to come

2013-07-07 23:31:04
Jake G @TheCyberstudent

@classicdw Do you prefer creating new monsters or writing classic monsters? #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 23:29:02
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@MCal27 yes - I particularly love Sapphire & Steel - "all irregularities will be handled by the forces controlling each dimension..."

2013-07-07 23:28:29
mcal27 @MCal27

@classicdw Mark were you ever a fan of other classic brit scifi of the classic who era such as Space 1999 or Sapphire & Steel? #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 22:48:43
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@SarahRVillard j'adore la cuisine francaise - particulierement le bar sauvage

2013-07-07 23:27:43
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@QueenOfTheSonic obviously, yes - but it is a drama not a documentary and I had to make it accessible to the Not-We

2013-07-07 23:25:10
Jenny @QueenOfTheSonic

@classicdw Hi Mark! I imagine it was a terrific honour to pen An Adventure in Space and Time but did you feel any pressure? #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 22:42:25
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@Lzza_r rain, sleet, misery, jumpers and some wonderful things on the telly

2013-07-07 23:24:05
LO @fogopalido

@classicdw mark, you are awesome! What can we expect in November? #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 22:26:56
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@thelilyriver into the future. I'd love to see how things turn out - if at all... #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 23:34:33
thelilyriver @thelilyriver

If you could take the TARDIS out for a spin, where/when would you go? #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 23:18:27
Kippy Woo @TygerWhoCame2T

@classicdw #AskMarkG How do you pronounce Scone; is it Scone or Scone? More seriously, any sign of Lucifer Box coming to TV?

2013-07-07 22:19:24
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@teddyted178 currently filming a documentary about M R James for Christmas (same beard, different suit)

2013-07-07 23:22:27
teddy-ted @teddyted178

#AskMarkG Do you have the plan to write a new program of " A History of Horror" ?

2013-07-07 21:58:41
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@TheGatissGuild @nicola_tanner The Rills - but now relocated to Cardiff they would be the Rhyls

2013-07-07 23:21:38
The Gatiss Guild @TheGatissGuild

@classicdw #AskMarkG ( Via @nicola_tanner) Are there any other classic villains, like the Ice Warriors, you'd like to see revived?

2013-07-07 21:42:40
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@DanielJenk101 I'm particularly fond of the Crimson Horror as it's the most mean - undiluted crimson venom

2013-07-07 23:20:17
Daniel @DanielJenk101

@classicdw @Markgatiss Which of your DW episodes are you most proud of? (Love your work by the way 😃) #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 20:22:21
Jason Lacey @JaseLacey

@classicdw Will you be reading any more target novels to us? (Hint: please say yes) #AskMarkG

2013-07-07 20:14:18
Classic Doctor Who @classicdw

@Davidsideas I'm afraid not - but I want it. It will be on public display soon where everyone can enjoy it

2013-07-07 23:15:58
David @Davidsideas

#AskMarkG Do you get to keep the console and if not why not?

2013-07-07 20:03:16