正しくTogetter / min.tにログインできない不具合が発生中です。X側の修正をお待ちください(詳細はこちら)


OG @OkanGuzel16

Vote for Istanbul you ignorant twats!!!

2013-09-08 03:59:02
OG @OkanGuzel16

Istanbul's never been a host! Think about that!

2013-09-08 04:01:50
OG @OkanGuzel16


2013-09-08 04:02:28
OG @OkanGuzel16

So it's now out of Tokyo and Istanbul for the 2020 Olympics! Cmon you village Turks! <3

2013-09-08 04:03:09
OG @OkanGuzel16

Ahhh fuck you Tokyo!!!!!!!!!!

2013-09-08 05:20:27
OG @OkanGuzel16

"@OnatMansur: At least this is another opportunity to #BlameErdogan so I'm happy." LOOL fair point man. #SilverLining

2013-09-08 05:28:59
OG @OkanGuzel16

So many Japanese people in my mentions :s

2013-09-08 06:08:09
OG @OkanGuzel16

Fucking hell these guys are not stopping! :o

2013-09-08 06:11:31
Ahmed @ahmedjassim97

@OkanGuzel16 Bloody hell this happened to another guy on my tl lool, the Japanese army is coming

2013-09-08 06:14:24
Ahmed @ahmedjassim97

Hey Japanese people, Tokyo, Olympics, give me RTs! (Watch this fail miserably)

2013-09-08 06:15:16
OG @OkanGuzel16

LOOL omdz, look at the top of the pic, apparently my interactions page needs to be translated :') http://t.co/2FGUTyoEmw

2013-09-08 06:18:26
OG @OkanGuzel16

My phone has not stopped vibrating for like 5 minutes....... I might have to deactivate or some shit like that :s

2013-09-08 06:19:18
OG @OkanGuzel16

'I am Japanese Ninja.' 'HEY!! FUCK ME!!' 'Japanese is superior to you. You are loser. You are fool.' 'You r Garbage, die' is what i got...

2013-09-08 06:26:12
Ahmed @ahmedjassim97

@OkanGuzel16 "I am Japanese Ninja" LOOOL I'm fucking dead

2013-09-08 06:26:53
Ahmed @ahmedjassim97

@OkanGuzel16 Nah you're alright, as long as you don't gain no more followers from it idm ;)

2013-09-08 06:28:51
1 ・・ 6 次へ