F1 Drivers in Japan 2010 just before Suzuka

日本をエンジョイするF1ドライバーたち。鉄板焼が人気のようである。通なバリチェロは焼肉を食べ、セナより前のヒーローとしてウルトラマンを挙げる。豪快にヨドバシの罠にハマるヘイキも必見。アルグエルスアリのtweetは解析希望。 人物紹介 @jessybondgirl 道端ジェシカ。ジェンソン・バトンのガールフレンド @The_Real_JB ジェンソン・バトン。マクラーレンのドライバー。昨年は元ホンダのブラウンGPにてチャンピオン獲得。ブリティシュ。 続きを読む
Jessica Michibata @jessybondgirl

Went for a beautiful run today around the Emperors Palace, @The_Real_JB did 16K, @Chris_Buncombe & I did 10.6K! I took 64mins! v happy!! :-)

2010-10-03 15:45:26
Jaime Alguersuari @SquireMusic

Osaka!!!!! Ya llegue despues de 10,20 30 horas de avion...

2010-10-04 08:26:44
Rubens Barrichello @rubarrichello

On my way to Tokyo and to one of the best race tracks in the World...Suzuka.See you in 27hours. Cheers

2010-10-05 04:04:31
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

Flying to Tokyo today, looking forward to visiting the city and then straight to Suzuka! #F1 #fb

2010-10-05 12:59:38
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

Does anyone know if the iPhone 4 works in Japan?!

2010-10-05 18:18:38
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

Oh ok i'll do that.. Oh and nokia is from Finland I'm sure i get one! RT @tonyfernandes: @H_Kovalainen not sure but nokia does. Buy a nokia.

2010-10-05 20:51:17
Catherine Kovalainen @KataHyde

Thanks for all the answers, sounds like my iphone will work!

2010-10-05 23:40:35
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

Now my iphone 4 is not sending emails! I can receive but not send, never had that problem with 3GS. I says server cannot find recipient. #fb

2010-10-06 02:15:25
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

All settings should be correct, my iPad is sending them like no tomorrow... #fb

2010-10-06 02:16:33
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

Why deleting and creating an account again works? It did work for me now, thanks for the tips! I just dont get it why it works... #fb

2010-10-06 02:27:40
Nico Rosberg @NicoRosberg

Phone no3Gbut sorted now.nice2days in tokyo.Swimtraining in hotel pool52nd floor,tepanyaki dinner,shrine visit http://plixi.com/p/48974110

2010-10-06 12:59:56
Rubens Barrichello @rubarrichello

Almoçar no Japao é divertido. Arrumei um restaurante q vc faz a propria carne na grelha http://plixi.com/p/48982357

2010-10-06 14:18:43
Rubens Barrichello @rubarrichello

I find quite good the restaurants in Japan.This one you cook your own meet at the table http://plixi.com/p/48982614

2010-10-06 14:21:24
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

In Tokyo, quick gym at the hotel to straighten legs and then off to some proper teppanyaki! #fb

2010-10-06 16:31:49
Catherine Kovalainen @KataHyde

In Tokyo! Weather is nice and my iPhone works!

2010-10-06 16:36:08
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

View from teppanyaki restaurant in Tokyo, waiting for the chef to arrive! #fb http://flic.kr/p/8GNFBZ

2010-10-06 18:27:15
Heikki Kovalainen @H_Kovalainen

Went to Yodobashi in Tokyo to look for an adapter and came away with three more golf clubs, not wise... #fb

2010-10-06 21:59:31