
Scriptchat (による、ジェーンさんとブラッドの脚本/作家に関する ツイッターパーティ(ジェーンさんの答えはブラッドと絡んでるとこしか入れてません)
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@TaroJ Thank you! @GoCheeksGo and I are so proud of it. The last 2 arcs "I Do Over," & "I Dream of Cleaning" felt esp. good! #scriptchat.

2013-11-04 05:04:23
Taro @TaroJ

Hi everyone, watched all 3 seasons of #husbands last night and loved it #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:02:14
Teenie Russell @teenierussell

@JaneEspenson @GoCheeksGo I read that you met on Twitter, how did that come about? #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:04:02
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@teenierussell @GoCheeksGo Almost coincidentally, the first vid I saw of his was on topic of Marriage Equality. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:06:06
Arjan Eising @eising

@GoCheeksGo How does acting influence your writing? Does it make it easier to pen stuff down? #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:09:36
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@eising The strengths and weaknesses of the actor often inform the writing and help shape the approach to dialogue.

2013-11-04 05:11:00
Pia @piksa

How do you come up with ideas for new story arcs? #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:10:08
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@piksa They're everywhere! Life, politics, classic TV. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:11:51
Dr Anne-Marie Angelo FRHistS @Dra_m_a

How much of the series had you mapped out before deciding to make it? #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:12:15
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@amasays The first 22 minutes. So, essentially, the pilot. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:13:30
Taro @TaroJ

@GoCheeksGo What came first, Husbands or the character of Cheeks? #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:12:04
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@TaroJ Cheeks came first. Husbands seemed like the perfect place for him to live permanently. A good universe for him. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:14:16
Dr Anne-Marie Angelo FRHistS @Dra_m_a

Thanks, that's encouraging to hear! RT @GoCheeksGo @amasays The first 22 minutes. So, essentially, the pilot. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:14:20
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@amasays Even when you have it planned, you have to remain flexible. Lots of variables with actors, network, etc. Stories change #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:15:53
Arjan Eising @eising

@GoCheeksGo How much do @JaneEspenson and you leave open for improvisation, dialogue wise? #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:14:46
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@eising @JaneEspenson Not any, really. Maybe a joke or two, but the improv sounding dialogue has been scripted to sound as such. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:17:12
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@eising The "makeover montage" scene was improv during rehearsal, but was scripted by the time we shot. Usually all scripted. #scriptchat.

2013-11-04 05:16:52
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@JaneEspenson @eising A couple of the "positions" were improv, but the majority of that scene, and its purpose, were all there. #scriptchat

2013-11-04 05:18:31
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