
2010年10月13日、落盤事故が発生し33人が地下深くに閉じ込められているチリのサン・ホゼ鉱山で、特製カプセルによる救出が一人一人進められ、その様子が全世界的に実況中継される中、#chileanminers (チリの鉱山労働者) がTrending Topicsに入っていました(地域指定はUK)。 5人目のジミー・サンチェスさん(19歳)がカプセルに乗り込んで無事に出てくるまでの時間帯のこのハッシュタグを検索した結果を機械的にまとめておきます。なお、いくつか明らかに個人間の挨拶のようなやりとり(「おはよう、見てる?」みたいなの)は取り除きました。 英BBCの実況(ウェブでニュース特番のストリームあり) 続きを読む
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Letitia Smith @LetitiaJSmith

Was so nice this morning to wake up to a good news story - seeing the #ChileanMiners being reunited with their family

2010-10-13 16:10:36
Justine Caul @justinecaul

Isn't it great about the #chileanminers being rescued? EXPECT THE TORIES TO BURY ALL KINDS OF BAD NEWS TODAY! #bunchofcuts :-\

2010-10-13 16:10:39
Ruairidh. @RooPritchard

Seen the same #chileanminers package three times in the last 20 mins, what is going on @BBCbreakfast ?!

2010-10-13 16:10:55
Joel Goldman 🏆 @mightyscoop

Number 5... Jimmy Sanchez... come on down! (or up, as it actually is...) #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:02
Karen Hurley @karenhurley

Here comes miner no. 5 to the surface.. his name is Jimmy! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:03
Shelagh McKinlay @Shequeen

Morning. Love and luck to the #chileanminers and also happy birthday to me. :)

2010-10-13 16:11:10
Nick @ThatNickChap

Hopefully we can now put a stop to the dangerous mining of kidney beans for good. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:17
Danny B @BleazyLFC

Good job that mine disaster wasn't in America, they'd have needed a capsule 4 times the size! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:21
Gianni Catalfamo @giannicatalfamo

If you were one of the 33 #chileanminers, in which order would you want to go back? I'd rather be last to know there is no-one left after me

2010-10-13 16:11:22
Purpleline (Boris Island) @purpleline

#Chileanminers Rescuers, mines minister, President of Chile shld win the Noble prize next year for such demonstration of humanity to man

2010-10-13 16:11:26
Jeremy @JeremyS_102

Here's Jimmy, welcome back..Amazing scenes from Chile's Camp Hope #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:35
Gbemi O-O @GbemiOO

How did they decide the order they would come out? #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:37
Birgit Jones @HopBarn

@Dragonfly_Dawn a short time in comparison to the time trapped underground though #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:39
Fashionclocked @fashionclock

Woken up thinking about #Chileanminers so relieved it's working.x

2010-10-13 16:11:41
Ciaran Dawes @CiaranDawes

woo 4 down 29 to go...hope they're all okay! #ChileanMiners

2010-10-13 16:11:42
*Kim* @Kim_NL

@JonathanRKnight What do u think they have missed most during all those weeks in that shaft? What would u miss most? #ChileanMiners

2010-10-13 16:11:47
Andy Greenwood @AndyG001

The last Chilean Miner out is going to be in full black tie evening wear #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:49
Paul @pafster

Those miners should've joined the NUM, Scargill would've imposed a 3 day week and they'd have been out ages ago. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 16:11:53
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