
2010年10月13日、落盤事故が発生し33人が地下深くに閉じ込められているチリのサン・ホゼ鉱山で、特製カプセルによる救出が一人一人進められ、その様子が全世界的に実況中継される中、#chileanminers (チリの鉱山労働者) がTrending Topicsに入っていました(地域指定はUK)。 5人目のジミー・サンチェスさん(19歳)がカプセルに乗り込んで無事に出てくるまでの時間帯のこのハッシュタグを検索した結果を機械的にまとめておきます。なお、いくつか明らかに個人間の挨拶のようなやりとり(「おはよう、見てる?」みたいなの)は取り除きました。 英BBCの実況(ウェブでニュース特番のストリームあり) 続きを読む
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The so called Mark Martin @djdaddums

Just got up and put the TV news on. this is emotional stuff watching the rescue of the #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:40:24
Good As Gold Writing Services @goodasgoldws

Morning! What would you have for breakfast if you'd just resurfaced after 69 days underground? Happy #chileanminers day.

2010-10-13 15:40:42
Thomas Jones @tcjones95

Wathing the #chileanminers come to the surface it's quite stunning how they are in such good condition :)!!

2010-10-13 15:40:49
Christine King @xtineking

Get ready for a whoooole lot of talk about God. #ChileanMiners

2010-10-13 15:40:55
David Atkinson @DAtkinson4PC

Waking up to a good news story. How fantastic is that?! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:41:01
kay-Babz @Nafsonkay

Yea dats good news. RT @Trini1895: Wow the #chileanminers are out! Thank God for their lives & I'm happy for ... http://tmi.me/2cq8w

2010-10-13 15:41:18
Wendy @ElllaRock

Good to see the men emerge looking quite so healthy and lucid. I couldnt imagine it. Bravo! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:41:23
ITV News Anglia @itvanglia

Morning Tweeters. Have you seen any of the news on the #ChileanMiners? What do you think? Great stuff hey?! Four down 29 to go!

2010-10-13 15:41:25

#chileanminers astrology. Mercury god/planet that brings souls out of Underworld conjunct (standing with) Haumea, goddess planet of rock.Yay

2010-10-13 15:41:30
Scooby Dont @orionisanxious

NEarly 70 days down the mine and all they could think to bring back as gifts were rocks? ROCKS? Not even a t-shirt? #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:41:36
Mrs Mackenzie @loftspace

Too soon to celebrate the #ChileanMiners rescue; they not all up? 69 days underground, heroic. Bloody brilliant res... http://tl.gd/6f4q9n

2010-10-13 15:41:37
LexiLexiLexi @FoxyVodkaPanda

surely it should be a worldwide public holiday so we can watch the miners come out of the mine! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:41:47
Harry Brignull @harrybr

Bit disappointed the welcoming party didn't dress up as lizards. You know, just for fun. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:41:48
LondonPony @LondonPony

Throughly enjoying the infidelity subplot R4 are weaving lightheartedly into the #ChileanMiners story. Mistresses eh?

2010-10-13 15:41:53
Daniel Holman @danielholman

Here's to the miners and their endurance for these couple months. What they endured is just amazing. #ChileanMiners

2010-10-13 15:42:13
Counting the days. #ToriesOut. For Good. @nowthenchillout

I've been asleep for the last few hours (natch) but have woken up to the distinct feeling that I've missed something... #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:42:21

@SallyBercow I am a quivering wreck this morning - great news ! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:42:32
Sean Bamforth @seanbamforth

Hey bigshot. You're not that famous. Take your sunglasses off when you're on TV. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:42:37
Scott Macleod @I_Scott_Macleod

@wunjot Dont think there are many gift shops were they have been!! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:42:52
NICOLA ✨ @nikkiairey

The #chileanminers look bloody well after being underground for nearly seventy days!

2010-10-13 15:42:52
Greg @GreginPGBC

The TV images of the capsule entering the rescue area is unbelievable. This is crazy time in live TV. #ChileanMiners

2010-10-13 15:42:53
Kirsty Doole @theotherkirsty

Am I the only one feeling really quite emotional watching the #ChileanMiners being rescued? There are tears here!

2010-10-13 15:42:56
Mellie Buse @melliebuse

Will there be 33 press conferences?#chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:03
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