
2010年10月13日、落盤事故が発生し33人が地下深くに閉じ込められているチリのサン・ホゼ鉱山で、特製カプセルによる救出が一人一人進められ、その様子が全世界的に実況中継される中、#chileanminers (チリの鉱山労働者) がTrending Topicsに入っていました(地域指定はUK)。 5人目のジミー・サンチェスさん(19歳)がカプセルに乗り込んで無事に出てくるまでの時間帯のこのハッシュタグを検索した結果を機械的にまとめておきます。なお、いくつか明らかに個人間の挨拶のようなやりとり(「おはよう、見てる?」みたいなの)は取り除きました。 英BBCの実況(ウェブでニュース特番のストリームあり) 続きを読む
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Richard Mace @richmace

Wow. Mario Sepulveda looks in good spirits considering what he and the other miners have been through. Excellent. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:09
Guy Smith @Guy_Smith

I hope they won't now expect this much media attention every time they leave work #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:23
Chris Andrade @brainsneeze

"I will continue working as a miner, it is my life". The expression on your wife's face next to you buddy suggests otherwise #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:25
Matt S @nzmatts

Is the guy who was having an affair out yet? That's a reunion I can't wait to see! #Chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:37
Anti Tory Coalition. #ToriesOut. For Good. @nowthenchillout

Sounds like it's all good news so hurrah. Looking forward to catching up on BBC online. Good job rescuers. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:50
cherry morello @cherrymorello

"I thank my dad, Rodney, who I named my daughter after" #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:43:56

@HollySMIOBI Cannot wait to see all the 33 #ChileanMiners are alive and well when they all come up on the surface :-p

2010-10-13 15:43:56
Dr John A. Zoidberg @Chobr

Incredibly humble and well-thought out speech from Miner Mario #ChileanMiners

2010-10-13 15:44:19
Richard Mace @richmace

How long before Hollywood makes a film about the Chile miners. I bet this is being planned as we speak. Vultures. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:44:27
Nick O'Connor @walkaboutnick

Remarkable interview with 2nd miner talked over by idiot BBC man describing how remarkable the interview is. #chileanminers #thedaytoday

2010-10-13 15:44:36

Who reckons this will be made into a blockbuster film? #chileanminers #chileanminersrescue

2010-10-13 15:44:39
Dan 🇪🇺 @eggynewydd

Apparently Twm Tishan is more interesting than the #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:44:46
lazuleo @lazuleo

Some strange comments in #chileanminers #chileminers #miners . Guess the rescue is a joke or stupid to many. Glad they're safe so far...

2010-10-13 15:44:54
Marc Williams 🇹🇷 @marcwlms

Remember lads, what happened in the mine , stays in the mine. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:45:03
Martin Bright @martinbright

"Don't treat me like an artist or a celebrity, I am a miner." Mario Sepulveda. #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:45:13
Dan Fear @danfear_

After being rescued, one of the #ChileanMiners opens a bag and starts handing out rocks as gifts. Give him a medal! Nice one, Sir!

2010-10-13 15:45:27
Laura Quigley @LauraQuigley

Waking up to the news that the first of the Chilean Miners are safely back above ground. Great news! #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:45:42
mervynchen @mervynchen

resilient #ChileanMiners are finally coming out one by one. we all are happy for you guys. go on and have a hot dinner!

2010-10-13 15:45:59
@Parryphernalia @parryphernalia

So they bring a man out, then send down the chicken, then bring up a man, and take down the fox... #chileanminers

2010-10-13 15:46:02
Not Primrose @MsPr1mr0se

Amazing telly #chileanminers not sure they should be having interviews with the miners though - thought it was supposed to be more private?

2010-10-13 15:46:37
Mike Hepworth @Mike_Hepworth

Pleased to see #chileanminers are being rescued, but do feel TV News is making a meal of this - a cross between Thunderbirds & Big Brother!

2010-10-13 15:46:45
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