Reactive Manifesto

"Not even wrong" で "間違ってさえいない" という意味になるんです?
3 @pchiusano is a perfect example of our industry's brainless pop culture.

2013-11-16 01:56:22
Timothy Perrett @timperrett

Massive +1 RT @pchiusano: is a perfect example of our industry's brainless pop culture.

2013-11-16 02:39:10
AndreasS @curious_reader

@pchiusano but our industry is not to blame it is our education which shapes our perception of concepts and how to learn

2013-11-16 03:48:39 @pchiusano

@curious_reader I'm not sure who/what is to blame, but you're right this is a factor.

2013-11-16 04:09:39
AndreasS @curious_reader

@pchiusano people need to realize this to break out this circle, finally

2013-11-16 04:13:18
Mike Slinn @mslinn

@timperrett @pchiusano Software is a fashion / groupthink business

2013-11-16 04:14:45 @pchiusano

OH: "Basically, no one seems to grasp that when stuff that's fundamental is broken, what you get is a combinatorial explosion of bullshit."

2013-11-16 04:17:10
Q*memic @dysmemic

@pchiusano a glossy brochure on which the mind finds no purchase

2013-11-16 04:35:13
Lgd. Viktor Klang @viktorklang

@curious_reader Trying to understand what @pchiusano is referring to. Constructive criticism is generally preferable. /cc @headinthebox

2013-11-16 09:01:11
Tony Morris @dibblego

Reactive Programming is the new snake oil bullshizzles for starry-eyes who think gullible isn't in the dictionary.

2013-11-16 13:59:45
Lgd. Viktor Klang @viktorklang

@lagergren "Reactive programming" is at least 40 years old (Actor Model 1973), I don't think more needs to be said.

2013-11-16 20:25:18
Phil Wills @philwills

@timperrett why? It's a bit woolly for my tastes, but most of the ideas gel with my experience.

2013-11-16 22:18:06 @pchiusano

@viktorklang @curious_reader @headinthebox vague to the point of being vacuously agreeable, entire tone and concept is pop culture

2013-11-17 17:08:26
Lgd. Viktor Klang @viktorklang

@pchiusano In what way? It's technology agnostic. "Pop culture" is a strange argument to me, it's OSS so please do suggest improvements.

2013-11-17 17:34:57
AndreasS @curious_reader

@viktorklang @pchiusano now we're talking how to transform education into an OSS powered process,you only can 'fix' these probs for next gen

2013-11-17 18:29:12
Kenji Yoshida @xuwei_k

akkaの人が発表した"Reactive Manifesto" というものに対する批判(というか皮肉?)tweet が話題になってるみたいだけど、イマイチ空気感がわからないので誰か解説を

2013-11-17 18:46:34
Kenji Yoshida @xuwei_k

それを言ってるのは、FP in Scalaの本の著者の一人であり、ekmettの元同僚であり、scalaz-streamの作者であり、以前何度か「Actorは合成可能でない」的な話でAkkaの人と議論していた人ですが、(議論の焦点はよくわかってないけど)いいぞもっとやれ

2013-11-17 18:57:39 @pchiusano

@viktorklang I posted some thoughts here: But basically, IMO is beyond repair; the starting concept is wrong :)

2013-11-19 12:42:55 @pchiusano

@viktorklang And your tweet rebuttal to my criticism is vaguer than the claimed vagueness of my criticism of the manifesto's vaguenesss!! :)

2013-11-19 13:36:47 @pchiusano

@viktorklang But in all seriousness, I just think manifestos like this aren't helpful. They are a 'cultural', marketing thing, not technical

2013-11-19 13:38:48
Lgd. Viktor Klang @viktorklang

@pchiusano I think part of the problem might lie in you having the wrong expectation(s):

2013-11-19 14:25:02
AndreasS @curious_reader

@pchiusano nice post Paul, glad you came around to write something down. I hope we find better ways to share good ideas.

2013-11-19 16:47:33