
Windows Phone 8.1 leaks by @AngelWZR

@AngelWZR (Roman L.)氏による WP8.1 のリーク情報。 ツィートからロシア語を外し、WP 8.1 に関係していそうなものを残しました。英語も不得意な私のことですので、関係無いツィートが混じっていても気にしないでくださいw
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Roman Linev @rlinev

So no big tile for WP anytime soon

2014-02-14 01:22:17
Roman Linev @rlinev

Apparently 8.1SDK ISO finally leaked

2014-02-14 01:34:23
Roman Linev @rlinev

(I just found this link by searching for #wp81 here on twitter so don't blame me if site is down or else :P)

2014-02-14 01:40:58
Roman Linev @rlinev

More stuff about Shared/Universal apps http://t.co/PjySj5LjWE

2014-02-14 01:44:54
Main Dakhu @TeamDakh

@AngelWZR is there a link to download wp 8.1 sdk? If yes..plz give..thanks

2014-02-14 01:47:37
Al Ovchin @Alovchin91

@AngelWZR @bdsams Nope :) Notice a phrase "If the required work is completed before the release".

2014-02-14 02:05:37
Roman Linev @rlinev

@Alovchin91 @bdsams there's always a posibility that pre-release feature won't make it to the RTM release

2014-02-14 02:06:54
Romit Mehta @theromit@mastodon.online @TheRomit

@tomwarren @AngelWZR @bdsams Yup that reads like "if we can make it, we will" not like "it will be there".

2014-02-14 02:08:13
Roman Linev @rlinev

@TheRomit @tomwarren @bdsams there's always a posibility that pre-release feature won't make it to the RTM release

2014-02-14 02:09:14
Roman Linev @rlinev

@Tokam_A it's a screenshot of the slide, no editing

2014-02-14 02:33:40
Roman Linev @rlinev

Nice one RT @shanselman: Looking forward to Windows 8.1 Update 1 September CTP Community Preview Refresh.

2014-02-14 02:34:18
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