
Eric Torreborre @etorreborre

@jroper what's the status of the twirl api/plugin?

2014-05-02 16:42:48
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre It's pretty close to 1.0.0. We'll release 1.0.0 just before Play 2.3.0.

2014-05-02 17:19:18
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre Why? What do you want from it? I just publish 1.0-M2, which is cross compiled to Scala 2.11.

2014-05-02 17:19:57
Eric Torreborre @etorreborre

@jroper I just want to see how convenient it would be to do specs2 HTML generation with it

2014-05-02 17:29:41
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre sbt plugin requires SBT 0.13.5. It uses the new AutoPlugin functionality of SBT.

2014-05-02 17:29:45
Eric Torreborre @etorreborre

@jroper cool, that's a good reason for me to upgrade sbt in the same move

2014-05-02 17:31:51
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre Hmm... it would probably work nicely.

2014-05-02 17:35:48
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre Though, then we'd have a circular dependency between specs and twirl :)

2014-05-02 17:36:45
Eric Torreborre @etorreborre

@jroper no, just with specs2-html. I've modularised all of specs2 so that you can use specs2-core by itself

2014-05-02 17:40:41
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre yes, but I assume the whole lot is built with one SBT project? Will you publish just the core without HTML?

2014-05-02 18:07:12
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre Yes... But you publish them all at once by running sbt publish right?

2014-05-02 18:17:36
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre When Scala 2.12 first appears, there won't be a twirl for 2.12, so you won't be able to do that.

2014-05-02 18:18:54
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre You'll have to publish specs2-core, wait for us to publish twirl, then you can build/publish specs2-html.

2014-05-02 18:23:28
Eric Torreborre @etorreborre

@jroper I already have such dependencies with scalaz and scalacheck. You being typesafe I suspect that twirl will be available as fast :-)

2014-05-02 18:28:09
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre but how will we be able to cut a release against 2.12 if there's no specs2 build of 2.12 for us to build with?

2014-05-02 18:29:42
James Roper @jroper

@etorreborre its not a matter of speed, its a chicken or egg, we need specs2_2.12, to build twirl_2.12, you need vice versa.

2014-05-02 18:31:21