Writers Guild Foundation

Writers Guild Foundationのイベントのパネルディスカッションにジェーンさんと出演。
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

Check out the cool WGFoundation event that @GoCheeksGo and I are part of this weekend! wgfoundation.org/screenwriting-…

2014-07-08 12:42:52
Jeffrey Gold @JeffGoldMusic

Jane Espenson, Brad Bell, Brett Konner, Cody Heller, and Steven Hein at Writers Guild Foundation WGAw #wga pic.twitter.com/UclTQpeUYg

2014-07-13 04:12:10
Andrew Hu @iamandrewhu

Nobody has to justify their existence with biology. Great moment from @GoCheeksGo @WritersGuildF #teamhusbands

2014-07-13 04:33:23
Diana Wright @ThatsWright

"My goal was to get into offices that I couldn't get into with a link." - @gocheeksgo #WGA

2014-07-13 04:49:47
Shanna Lea 🐾 @shannasomewhere

The @WritersGuildF event was fun & interesting. Included a great panel w @GoCheeksGo excellently moderated by @JaneEspenson. Thanks, folks.

2014-07-13 12:34:52