2014/8/9 Happy Pride Day,Uganda!

Dr Christian Jessen @DoctorChristian

Wishing everyone in Uganda who is taking part a very happy Pride! Keep on fighting #UgandaPride @PrideUganda

2014-08-10 00:03:56
Emma Lewzey @EmmaLewzey

Happy Pride, Uganda! Hope you are having an amazing day - sending you love from Toronto! @PrideUganda #UGpridepostAHA #HappyUGPride

2014-08-10 00:10:58
Moya Watson @moyalynne

And SHOUT OUT to brave and beautiful Ugandans celebrating today! MT @PrideUganda Probably the best #UGPridepostAHA pic.twitter.com/pULxpQXHb2

2014-08-10 00:23:43

ウガンダのプライドパレードのこの画像、メチャ良いな。泣けてきた。 “@PrideUganda: Probably the best #UGPridepostAHA @frankmugisha @Opimva pic.twitter.com/6LoasduT1j

2014-08-10 00:29:53
𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙧 @YKOTKO

待ち受けにする。RT @MKP_045: ウガンダのプライドパレードのこの画像、メチャ良いな。@PrideUganda: Probably the best #UGPridepostAHA @frankmugisha @Opimva pic.twitter.com/T5vFDLERfR

2014-08-10 00:37:44
💐 Ramón Martínez 🌾 @ramonmartz

All my love and support to @PrideUganda !!! Enjoy and don't forget that you are not alone! #UGPridepostAHA pic.twitter.com/Ej6TPqYmOT

2014-08-10 01:10:23
Wamala Dennis @wamala_dennis

We did it again. And we are getting better at it. #UGPridepostAHA

2014-08-10 01:29:58
Pride Uganda @PrideUganda

We had a wonderful day at the beach on the shore of Lake Victoria. Numbers were less than last year but definitely memorable #UGPridepostAHA

2014-08-10 02:22:55
Pride Uganda @PrideUganda

First part of #UGPridepostAHA went safely. Stuck in traffic heading to the after party.

2014-08-10 02:25:02
Elena Marín Serrano 🌾🇪🇺 @elenamase

Making everyday of defense of our rights a day of celebration. All my support to @PrideUganda #UGPridepostAHA pic.twitter.com/iS5EsNEVSK

2014-08-10 04:01:33
El Duquito @Blabbeando

#UGPridepostAHA Uganda: 1st Gay Pride Parade Since Controversial Anti-Gay Law Was Overturned buzzfeed.com/alisonvingiano… pic.twitter.com/w9DVyUnr2d

2014-08-10 04:34:23
Noticias LGBT @NoticiasLGBT

UGANDA: De @afpfr: El orgullo #LGBTI se celebra por tercera vez en Uganda (Frances) youtu.be/XhmLcIco5hM h/t: @AlbaRms #UGPridepostAHA

2014-08-10 05:54:37
Helene Delilah @HelDelilah

Lovely: “@PrideUganda: And who said God hates gays?!!! Perfect weather #UGPridepostAHA pic.twitter.com/cXOIy8m2Qg

2014-08-10 07:53:37
Helene Delilah @HelDelilah

LOTs n LOTs o LOVE To “@PrideUganda: (yes)Today is yr Pride day, please show some more love with the hashtag #UGPridepostAHA. #HappyUGPride

2014-08-10 07:58:41
Helene Delilah @HelDelilah

@PrideUganda, My spirit n LOVE has been with you'all brave n beautiful ppl all day long. Proud of your Pride! #UGPridepostAHA. #HappyUGPride

2014-08-10 08:04:11
Ug4Rights Coalition @Ugandans4rights

With so much work ahead, #LGBTUgandans celebrate their recent court victory at the 3rd Annual Pride #UGPridepostAHA pic.twitter.com/LC5DGlHcli

2014-08-10 08:59:18
Brad S @eat_it416

Stand Proud Ugandan Brothers & Sisters! Harambe! “@PrideUganda: The best #UGPridepostAHA @frankmugisha @Opimva pic.twitter.com/qrLi53mC9O

2014-08-10 09:28:40
AFPBB News @afpbbcom

ウガンダでゲイ・パレード、「反同性愛法」の無効判決後で初 ift.tt/1yi8e4U 世界の最新ニュースはこちら→ ift.tt/1yk8O3X :写真 pic.twitter.com/nEk5tbTH7B

2014-08-10 10:02:11