Husbandsプロモ in Vienna

オーストリアはウィーンにてジェーンさんと脚本についてのワークショップ。 ツイートがほとんどなかったけれど一応まとめ。
リンク Workshops | verse publications
Georg Backer @georgbacker

Really looking forward to Vienna next week. First writing workshop with @JaneEspenson & @GoCheeksGo ( ) then…VIENNA!

2014-08-21 19:30:41
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

My trip to Vienna for this: is coming up! Spaces avail to hear @GoCheeksGo and I expound on writing.

2014-08-24 01:49:03
Richard Hemmer | @stormgrass

To all Vienna folk interested in screenwriting: Awesome workshop with @JaneEspenson & @GoCheeksGo this weekend! Do RT

2014-08-25 20:25:07
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Greetings, Zurich! Just a quick bite of chocolate, then I'm off to Wien.

2014-08-28 23:39:53
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

Layover in Zurich on way to Vienna with @GoCheeksGo -- chocolates now, schnitzel soon!

2014-08-28 23:44:25
Tom De Roeck @TomDeRoeck

Dont be shy, just drop by at Sonovista studios (Bennogasse 24) Theres 15 tickets per left! @JaneEspenson @GoCheeksGo

2014-08-30 02:52:36
DaddyD @DaddyD

@janeespenson and @gocheeksgo are here with me to toalk about TV and Writing and Where things are going.…

2014-08-30 15:05:22
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Hallo Austria! Early interview this AM on @radiofm4. Tune in jetzt! NAOW! (That's my Schwartzenegger voice.)

2014-08-30 15:06:56
GoさーやGo @thirdlamb


2014-08-30 18:35:22
リンク ウィーンでラジオ出演 | Cheekdom Cheeksを愛でる。 They call him Cheeks, king of freaks
リンク Brad Bell and Jane Espenson on radiofm4 Brad Bell and Jane Espenson on FM4
Kai Katschthaler (they/them) @thegrumpyenby

Only two more hours left in @GoCheeksGo & @JaneEspenson scriptwriting workshop! I want to know all the things, damnit!

2014-08-30 23:19:54
Kai Katschthaler (they/them) @thegrumpyenby

@JaneEspenson @GoCheeksGo thank you for the fantastic input-packed day. I absolutely loved every minute of it. xx

2014-08-31 01:50:09
Georg Backer @georgbacker

It's day two of the writing workshop with @JaneEspenson & @GoCheeksGo in Vienna and it is awesomely brilliant!!

2014-08-31 18:37:43
Wilfried CAPET @WilfriedCAPET

@versepub @GoCheeksGo @JaneEspenson are you going to stop by Paris ? how long will you stay in Europe ? Let me know if you stop by Paris :)

2014-09-05 07:49:45