
私がフォローしてるイングランドの人のtweetやRTしていたtweetが面白かったので……と思ってタグで検索してみたら、膨大になってしまいました。 英国では、BBCとサンデー・タイムズが最近、FIFAの腐敗を暴く内容の報道を行なっており、それが原因で落選したのではないかとの声がたくさんあります。そして「てめーらのせいでワールドカップが」などと、感情でBBCやSTを激しく非難するという動きも(嘆かわしい)。『ロシアにサッカーなんて存在しないだろ』的な視野の狭さ・心の狭さも見られます。悲しいことです。 しかし、「もし本当に報道が原因でWCが取れなかったのなら、名誉なことだ」といった声もあります。あと、時間の経過で一通り文句を言い終わったあとは、ちょっとずつおもしろくなっていくあたりも見所(?)です。 続きを読む
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Pam Nash 🌻🏏⚽️ @Pam_nAshes

No wonder Putin didn't turn up, no point when Abramovich had already bought it.

2010-12-03 00:39:02
KeNji ShimiZu / Game Translator @transcreative


2010-12-03 00:39:06

[URGENT] La Russie organisera la Coupe du Monde de Football en 2018 http://f24.my/aqdV7N #cm2018 #foot #fifa #cdm

2010-12-03 00:39:09
daveno7 @daveno7

russia...money money money...love the stuff... #wc2018

2010-12-03 00:39:10
Dr. Samuel Johnson @DrSamuelJohnson

Bravo! Muscovy has won, or bought, or e'en still STOLEN the World Cup #england2018

2010-12-03 00:39:16
John Pollock @JohnPollock

So the bloated corrupt plutocrats of FIFA reward the biggest bribers - the Mafia state of Russia.

2010-12-03 00:39:20
Jaguar Paw @JagPaws

Russia 2018: Guess Russians made an offer FIFA could not refuse #WC2018 #godfather #mafia

2010-12-03 00:39:20
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

Very little surprise there. Be interesting to see just how badly England blew it (again). 2022 race harder to call, but rumours say Qatar...

2010-12-03 00:39:37

イ ン グ ラ ン ド か ら お 通 夜 の お 知 ら せ で す

2010-12-03 00:40:03
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell

well done Russia. The "Mafia State" Wikileaks.

2010-12-03 00:40:08
Mrs Stephen Fry @MrsStephenFry

поздравления к России, dears! x #Russia2018

2010-12-03 00:40:17
Iain Dale @IainDale

Congrats to Russia. Now the BBC can do a Panorama on whether the Russian mafia bribed the FIFA Exec members. Win-win!

2010-12-03 00:40:40
Daniel Peek @Daniel_X

@Pam_nAshes say what you like about the Russians, when they buy someone, they buy them well.

2010-12-03 00:40:42
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel

Right - I'm putting in a bid for the 2030 World Cup to be in Crystal Palace

2010-12-03 00:41:12
Guardian Opinion @guardianopinion

RT @GwynTopham: Now Blatter and Putin to announce which country will win the 2018 World Cup

2010-12-03 00:41:20
Richard Wilson @dontgetfooled

So I wonder what it was that swayed the FIFA delegates to support the Russian bid...

2010-12-03 00:41:33
gone from this place @threedaymonk

Rather glad that FIFA won't be coming over here. They seem like a dodgy lot.

2010-12-03 00:41:47
Barry Collins @bazzacollins

On the plus side, we don't have to put up with Cameron pretending to be a football fan for at least another four years.

2010-12-03 00:41:52
Turing2014 @Turing2014

And racism among their football fans RT @jonsnowC4 Painful; decision - probably a positive decision.. opportunity to assault corruption .

2010-12-03 00:42:13
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh

I blame Platini and Beckenbauer. They've always hated English football.

2010-12-03 00:42:14
Richard Wilson @dontgetfooled

"Russia has become a virtual 'mafia state' with widespread corruption, bribery and protection rackets..." http://tinyurl.com/3ynmw2w

2010-12-03 00:42:19
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

thrilled that Russia will be hosting the 2018 World Cup. Davai!

2010-12-03 00:42:30
House of Gubbins @HouseOfGubbins

@jonsnowC4 "anddddd the host for the 2018 World Cup is... OH this envelope appears to be full of money."

2010-12-03 00:42:36
Sean O'Neill @TimesONeill

#england2018 ... and everyone involved in policing, CT and security heaves a sigh of relief

2010-12-03 00:43:09
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