BBC Radio4の番組で喋ってるこの子供が、広範なDDoS攻撃をしてる集団の『スポークスマン』?ほんとに? #wl_jp

Wikileaksを支持するとして、Wikileaksを「締め出そうとした」オンライン決済企業や、ジュリアン・アサンジについて過激な発言をしている米国の政治家などのウェブサイトにDDoS攻撃がかけられています。攻撃主は「アノニマス(名無しさん)」を名乗り、ネット上の掲示板4chan上での繋がりから始まった集団のようです(つまり、高度に組織化された集団ではない)。 さて、12月9日朝のBBC Radio4のTodayという時事番組で、この「アノニマス」を名乗る集団の「スポークスパーソン」を名乗る「コールドブラッド(冷血)」を名乗る人物が、彼らのサイバー戦争について語りました。Twitter上では彼の発言を抜粋したBBCのフィードがRTされ、またコピペされて、coldbloodがトレンディング・トピックスに入っていたのですが……。 続きを読む
BBC Radio 4 Today @BBCr4today

"This is becoming a war... a war of data. We are trying to keep the internet open and free for everyone" - Coldblood, of @AnonOps #payback

2010-12-09 17:24:41
BBC Radio 4 Today @BBCr4today

"This is a war... a war of data" - online activist Coldblood on #payback campaign. Listen:

2010-12-09 18:22:50
Trendsmap London @TrendsLondon

'coldblood', 'rentaghost' & 'lamborghini' are now trending in #London

2010-12-09 18:41:27
Andrew RC Marshall @Journotopia

Is it just me, or does hacktivist Coldblood from #Anonymous (interviewed here by the BBC) sound about 15 years old?

2010-12-09 18:49:28

Hacker: 'This is a war... a war of data': Online activist Coldblood: "This is a war of data. We are trying to ke...

2010-12-09 18:50:26
Debbie Randle @DebsR

Just interviewed the computer hacker "coldblood" - hear what he had to say on Newsbeat at 1245

2010-12-09 18:52:50
London Desk @CBSNewsLondon

@DebsR Hi Deb.CBS News have been trying to contact coldblood. No response on @anonops.any idea how else to contact? thanks

2010-12-09 18:57:02

Listen to 'Coldblood' Wow, he's terrifying.

2010-12-09 18:59:21
Kier @hushkypremier

Yes, let's all laugh at Coldblood because he sounds young - never mind the fact he's clearly technically gifted. OMG HE'Z 15 LOLZ

2010-12-09 18:59:32
Sarah Howe @sjhowie1

Listed to lame , non-challenging R4 Today interview earlier with Coldblood "unoficial spokesperson" from Anonymous re. cyberattacks

2010-12-09 18:59:54
Natalie Jamieson @Nat_Jamieson

@DebsR Did you get him to say "hi, my name is Coldblood"

2010-12-09 19:03:47

Attention all media: 1. We don't have a spokesperson named Coldblood. 2. This is the official payback twitter Profile. -Operation Payback

2010-12-09 19:10:05

Online activist: 'This is a war of data' - Online activist Coldblood: "This is a war of data. We are trying to keep...

2010-12-09 19:10:35
Jamie Fewery @jamiefewery

The name Coldblood didn't really match the voice #today

2010-12-09 19:10:54
すりーぷえいど zzzz... @advil_pm

ハッカー集団アノニマスのスポークスマンは自らをColdbloodと名乗るイギリス訛りの自称22才のソフトウェアエンジニアだそうな。記事読んだらBBCラジオ4で音声のみインタビューかな? #BBC

2010-12-09 19:13:34
Magus @alphador

@Op_Payback yeah I was reading their "news" and asked myself "where did this coldblood person come from all of a sudden? Anon needs no face"

2010-12-09 19:16:14
Richard Wilson @dontgetfooled

@NewHumanist Yep -fascinating the way it's evolving. "Coldblood" says he's been involved for around 3 years so guess there may be continuity

2010-12-09 19:16:37
Taylott Swift @aylott

"a member of Anonymous, who calls himself Coldblood" - wait, what?

2010-12-09 19:16:45

@johnnydowden nope. And the coldblood character appears to be a faux attention seeker

2010-12-09 19:18:21
Nini Suet @ninisuet

@Op_Payback This is Nini from CNN. Pls kindly confirm whether Coldblood is your spokesman and if so, could we request an interview? Thx!

2010-12-09 19:18:49

It's not like @r4today to be duped /sarc RT @Op_Payback: Attention all media: 1. We don't have a spokesperson named Coldblood.

2010-12-09 19:19:11

@ninisuet We confirm that we don't have a spokesperson named Coldblood. 4 Interview contact via irc @Chitty

2010-12-09 19:25:38