【NY】マンハッタンの子供博物館で行われている Hello from Japan! 展 #hellofromjapan

Tara Lynn Wagner @TaraLynnWagner

Kids had a super fun time at @CMOM's new exhibit #hellofromjapan. And by kids, I mean me. Today on @NY1. bit.ly/15q9DyS

2015-01-19 10:33:23
小野晶子 @ononokko2525

Enter a mini-version of modern day Japan、どんな展示か気になるなあ〜。ほかにもオチビサンの展示もあります! Hello from Japan!@CMOM fb.me/74UUjvcS9

2015-01-19 23:56:49
Guildry Santana @guildrysantana

The #hellofromjapan exhibit at the children's museum of Manhattan #nyc @ Children's Museum of Manhattan instagram.com/p/yCoC4vyVZz/

2015-01-20 00:45:08
Guildry Santana @guildrysantana

The #hellofromjapan exhibit at the children's museum of Manhattan #nyc @ Children's Museum of Manhattan instagram.com/p/yCoH22SVZ_/

2015-01-20 00:45:49
Susannah Blum @SusannahBlum

See some of our kids participate in #hellofromjapan Must Do: "Hello from Japan!" at CMOM mommynearest.com/articles/must-… via @mommynearestnyc

2015-01-20 05:43:59
Naomi🗽 (currently in Tokyo🇯🇵) @NAOxJB

今いる所の近くにある博物館がちょっと気になったから検索したら、更に気になるExhibitionをやっていた件について。- Hello from Japan! | Children's Museum of Manhattan cmom.org/explore/exhibi…

2015-01-20 06:18:32
George S. Ellis @gsellis

Photo: Fun at the #HellofromJapan exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan! (at Children’s Museum of... tmblr.co/ZW5fst1b81EgO

2015-01-20 07:03:47