【ノーベル平和賞授賞式】 #emptychair のハッシュタグのまとめ 空椅子

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Ying Chi LEE @yingdyingd

香港的骄傲! -苹果:內地封殺諾貝爾和平獎消息的魔掌伸至本港,據了解,本港四大電視台無綫、亞視、有線及 NOW的新聞部高層,前日深夜收到中聯辦高層來電,被嚴詞「勸喻」勿直播頒獎儀式。四台發言人昨下午回應稱會如常安排直播頒獎禮。 #emptychair

2010-12-11 12:19:39
Ying Chi LEE @yingdyingd

颁完奖了,中共可以释放软禁的无辜的人了吧! #emptychair

2010-12-11 12:23:54

Changed all my statuses and updates to "Empty Chair." #emptychair

2010-12-11 13:27:41
Penny Century @pennycentury

"Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source of humanity, and the mother of truth" Liu #Xiaobo #emptychair #assange

2010-12-11 15:54:11
Lindsey Hilsum @lindseyhilsum

Bessie Du in Beijing, me in Oslo, Channel 4 News Nobel blogs and videos http://bit.ly/gNKO5Q #c4news #emptychair

2010-12-11 16:18:45
adelyn @alt_lee

not that this is of any relevance but wow, liv ullmann looks amazing at 71. http://bit.ly/gNKO5Q #oslo #nobelpeaceprize #emptychair

2010-12-11 16:27:05
苦い人生 @kaoruo

#emptychair / 中東の窓 : ノーベル平和賞の受賞(中東諸国の欠席) http://htn.to/3HsPea

2010-12-11 20:02:43
苦い人生 @kaoruo

#emptychair / ジャパナビりえ的香港TV道:The Empty Chair - livedoor Blog(ブログ) http://htn.to/trroHK

2010-12-11 20:18:55
Susanna Gyllensten @sannag.bsky.social @susannaaam

dommen lyder: oppfordring til undergraving av folkets demokratiske diktatur - straffelov grunnlovstridig som medlem av fn? #emptychair

2010-12-11 21:59:13
Anthea Pitt @antheap

Nobel concert tonight. Thinking back to 1989. One man and a line of tanks. http://bit.ly/YpxwV #emptychair

2010-12-12 00:05:39
Nicole Rodovsky @nrodovsky

"A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill." ~Robert Heinlein #EmptyChair

2010-12-12 14:09:19
カトラー @katoler_genron

中国でノーベル平和賞をたたえる横断幕 “@yingdyingd: 中国大学生冲破封锁在校园亮出横幅庆祝刘晓波获奖 http://www.duping.net/XHC/show.php?bbs=11&post=1109566 #emptychair #freeliuxiaobo

2010-12-12 20:26:31
苦い人生 @kaoruo

劉暁波氏の「08憲章」の全文日本語訳 #emptychair / 08憲章=中華連邦共和国憲法要綱 - 思いつくまま http://htn.to/wXn6TF

2010-12-12 21:23:26
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