#cablegate 12月7日から11日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕以降)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語のみ)

前スレ: #cablegate 12月3日から7日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕まで)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語&日本語) http://togetter.com/li/76435 以下のまとめ(大量注意)は、ウィキリークス公式 @wikileaks, ガーディアン編集長 @arusbridger, ガーディアンの特集ページのフィード @GdnCables, ジュリアン・アサンジの弁護士さん @MarksLarks, フォーリン・ポリシー(米)の編集デスク @blakehounshell, ネットメディア論の専門家 @evgenymorozov (彼は非常に数多くのニュースを紹介してくれる), ボランティア技術者 @ioerror などによる、12月7日から11日午後までのtweetsなどで構成されています。すべて英語です。 続きを読む
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Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

The ultimate Google link showing Alec Ross's obsession with 21st century - I wonder where he gets his talking points http://goo.gl/K9t0Q

2010-12-11 07:58:07
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Excellent discussion on whether DDoS attacks can be legitimate/be treated like sit-ins in comments section on TechDirt http://goo.gl/iid99

2010-12-11 08:01:38
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Cablegate: Pope wanted Muslim Turkey kept out of EU | http://is.gd/iwkXm

2010-12-11 08:04:54
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Anonymous are now after the Jester guy who claims to have DDoS'ed WikiLeaks but he doesn't care http://bit.ly/heEwPo

2010-12-11 08:21:50
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

My brain explodes: Glenn Beck defends Julian Assange from Sarah Palin http://goo.gl/ilTE4

2010-12-11 08:35:08
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Foreign Policy: If Wikileaks makes the US government justify its demands, is that such a bad thing? | http://is.gd/iwpQg

2010-12-11 08:36:55
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Sydney Protest: "C'mon Julia, which law has Assange broken?" | http://is.gd/iwq4z

2010-12-11 08:39:04
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Almost 500,000 signatures on Avaaz. KEEP US STRONG - sign here: http://is.gd/iraFX donate here: http://is.gd/iwrh4

2010-12-11 08:47:37
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

MONTREALERS! #WikiLeaks RALLY this Sunday, Dec. 12 at 1155 St-Alexandre Street (US consulate). BE THERE. Facebook event: http://is.gd/iwxD2

2010-12-11 09:18:41
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

@devolveart is responsible for this excellent #Assange graphic I posted earlier (http://uiu.me/08.jpg). Check out his artwork!

2010-12-11 09:28:26
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

This looks like an interesting way to provide and perform decentralized search: http://yacy.net/

2010-12-11 11:51:38
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

Hmm, concerning the supposed CIA mirror, TLD IP is in Rackspace US, and WikiLeaks subdomain is in Germany. Am I missing something?

2010-12-11 14:19:30
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

I've removed the text file in previous tweet about the supposed "CIA WikiLeaks mirror" for lack of proof of psytek.net being related to CIA.

2010-12-11 14:27:00
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

HEY EVERYONE, psytek.net CIA theory is senseless! Only proof is a Google search (http://is.gd/ixiXT) - all other data is contradictory!

2010-12-11 14:31:45
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

psytek.net CIA theory makes no sense! Check out the DNS records! Trace the IPs, none of them are CIA-owned: http://uiu.me/3.txt

2010-12-11 14:34:02
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Did the CIA set up a mirror of WikiLeaks to see who is downloading the cables? http://goo.gl/JshHj

2010-12-11 14:45:12
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@xenijardin says the CIA is not behind the mirror site; was a joke

2010-12-11 15:01:54
@mikko @mikko

Good write-up on the fight between Anonymous and th3j35t3r: http://bit.ly/fWPQ6v /by @danielkennedy74

2010-12-11 16:08:17
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