#cablegate 12月7日から11日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕以降)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語のみ)

前スレ: #cablegate 12月3日から7日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕まで)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語&日本語) http://togetter.com/li/76435 以下のまとめ(大量注意)は、ウィキリークス公式 @wikileaks, ガーディアン編集長 @arusbridger, ガーディアンの特集ページのフィード @GdnCables, ジュリアン・アサンジの弁護士さん @MarksLarks, フォーリン・ポリシー(米)の編集デスク @blakehounshell, ネットメディア論の専門家 @evgenymorozov (彼は非常に数多くのニュースを紹介してくれる), ボランティア技術者 @ioerror などによる、12月7日から11日午後までのtweetsなどで構成されています。すべて英語です。 続きを読む
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Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

@x7o @kpoulsen Was there was ever any proof that Assange and Manning were in direct contact? WikiLeaks submissions are all anonymous.

2010-12-11 06:04:15
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

@flipzagging I'm with @PrimoGoo on Anarchism. Additionally, part of the power of WikiLeaks is that it isn't _in_ any specific place.

2010-12-11 06:05:13
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

The Guardian: WikiLeaks: the week the US ran scared and a folk hero was born http://goo.gl/9mXJj

2010-12-11 06:08:09
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

@flipzagging I'm sorry but DDOS is not anywhere near violating a monopoly on violence. DDOS is non-violent but not necessarily right.

2010-12-11 06:09:41
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks: the week the US ran scared and a folk hero was born http://bit.ly/e9RsPm #wikileaks

2010-12-11 06:13:22
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Stephen Walt on the double-standards applied to WikiLeaks: "Should Bob Woodward be arrested?" http://goo.gl/AKNXg

2010-12-11 06:17:39
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Walt: "How can these leaks be more ... troublesome than a detailed, blow-by-blow account of Obama's secret Afghanistan decision-making?"

2010-12-11 06:21:33
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Pro-Wikileaks Attacks Sputter After Counterattacks & Dissent Over Tactics -> excellent analysis from @rsingel in @wired http://goo.gl/8pg75

2010-12-11 06:31:01
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

The Guardian: WikiLeaks cables: Vatican refused to engage with child sex abuse inquiry http://goo.gl/vx41U

2010-12-11 06:41:24
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Dutch police launch an investigation into cyber attacks on the websites of the Public Prosecutor/ national police force http://goo.gl/A1nk5

2010-12-11 06:43:53
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Compare the severity of this leak - of drug informants! - in Colorado and WikiLeaks. Then compare news coverage http://goo.gl/n82pk

2010-12-11 06:47:24
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Say those cables were leaked to/published by Gawker rather WikiLeaks. Would anyone be demanding to assassinate Denton?

2010-12-11 06:49:39
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

...Because Denton wouldn't have redacted anything - he would have probably used underlining/hyperlinks!

2010-12-11 06:53:23
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

"Colorado database leak puts informants in jeopardy" http://goo.gl/Ffb1C shows why this USG project in Mexico is risky http://goo.gl/czRjh

2010-12-11 06:59:27
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Vatican refused to engage with child sex abuse inquiry http://bit.ly/epA14s #wikileaks

2010-12-11 07:14:47
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate Pope helped to free British sailors held by Iran, WikiLeaks cables show http://bit.ly/h5B4zf #wikileaks

2010-12-11 07:14:48
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cable blames Pope's mobile phobia for 'muddled messaging' http://bit.ly/fMbbSO #wikileaks

2010-12-11 07:14:48
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks: Pope's offer to Anglicans risked 'violence against Catholics' http://bit.ly/hISH8F #wikileaks

2010-12-11 07:14:48
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Linking to it twice: this piece on WikiLeaks by Jack Goldsmith is excellent, especially given his background http://goo.gl/VlBMY

2010-12-11 07:25:40
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

If you thought the WikiLeaks saga would end State Dept's Alec Ross's spiel about open vs closed societies you were wrong http://goo.gl/AyjxT

2010-12-11 07:45:17
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

"The fact we are increasingly networked is the 21st-cent version of gravity" does Alec Ross have any catchphrases not set in 21st century?

2010-12-11 07:48:38
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Check this out: Google results for "alec ross" "21st-century equivalent" http://goo.gl/wVwQL -> I say Newspeak

2010-12-11 07:50:49
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