#cablegate 12月7日から11日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕以降)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語のみ)

前スレ: #cablegate 12月3日から7日(ジュリアン・アサンジ逮捕まで)、Wikileaksのツイートを中心に(英語&日本語) http://togetter.com/li/76435 以下のまとめ(大量注意)は、ウィキリークス公式 @wikileaks, ガーディアン編集長 @arusbridger, ガーディアンの特集ページのフィード @GdnCables, ジュリアン・アサンジの弁護士さん @MarksLarks, フォーリン・ポリシー(米)の編集デスク @blakehounshell, ネットメディア論の専門家 @evgenymorozov (彼は非常に数多くのニュースを紹介してくれる), ボランティア技術者 @ioerror などによる、12月7日から11日午後までのtweetsなどで構成されています。すべて英語です。 続きを読む
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Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

They cannot stop us. They cannot stop the future. #wikileaks #cablegate #assange

2010-12-11 01:47:47
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Today is International Human Rights Day. Show you support free expression for Wikileaks and Julian Assange here: http://is.gd/iraFX

2010-12-11 01:53:14
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Cablegate: 1,269 of 251,287 embassy cables released: 0.5% down, 99.5% to go. www.wikileaks.ch

2010-12-11 01:54:45
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

UK Prison: #Assange now moved to solitary confinement for "his own safety", another pathetic abuse: http://is.gd/ivpnk

2010-12-11 01:55:16
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

@CharlieBeckett: slideshow on What's New About Wikileaks - feedback is v helpful http://slidesha.re/fILd5F

2010-12-11 02:00:26
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks fake cables – Pakistani newspapers admit they were hoaxed http://bit.ly/e5RT4P #wikileaks

2010-12-11 02:07:29
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

MPs in Iceland Question Credit Card Reps on Wikileaks http://goo.gl/joaqV

2010-12-11 02:14:09
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Reuters: Activists target Dutch website after boy arrested http://goo.gl/GxtBF

2010-12-11 02:24:43
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

AP: Even if U.S. indicts, Assange extradition not certain http://goo.gl/ba49w

2010-12-11 02:56:27
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

Thanks for all 'you ask, we search' suggestions. We aim to publish first batch on Monday, so keep following ...

2010-12-11 03:36:32
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate Cyber attacks by WikiLeaks' defenders hit online traders badly http://bit.ly/hCvMC4 #wikileaks

2010-12-11 03:39:55
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate US ban on federal staff reading WikiLeaks hampering jobs, says official http://bit.ly/ekbvJU #wikileaks

2010-12-11 04:10:12
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Your iPhone is a Weapon: WikiLeaks Avengers Now Using Portable Devices In DDOS Attacks http://goo.gl/KpKhY

2010-12-11 04:31:13
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Information Week: Senators Back Amazon In WikiLeaks Fight http://goo.gl/HURPh

2010-12-11 04:35:00
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Information Week: Will the WikiLeaks saga push the US government to reconsider their cloud computing plans? http://goo.gl/7oCCB

2010-12-11 05:01:01
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

One of New Yorker's blogs on DDoS: "there is a legitimacy issue here that one can’t entirely ignore" http://goo.gl/2OCgK

2010-12-11 05:25:57
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

@kpoulsen 18USCa1 needs Assange to have "knowingly accessed a computer without authorization"- he is reporting on content from 3rd parties.

2010-12-11 05:26:15
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Did the Guardian really run an editorial claiming Anonymous' DDoS is "the cyber equivalent of non-violent action or civil disobedience"?

2010-12-11 05:28:31
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

@x7o @kpoulsen Conspiring doesn't make sense, either. Assange never encouraged any source to break the law.

2010-12-11 05:28:49
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Apparently, the WikiLeaks book is now back to Amazon; see interview with its author http://goo.gl/8v8ZP

2010-12-11 05:58:29
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