#cablegate 12月13日から、Wikileaksとガーディアンのツイートを中心に(英語のみ)

前スレ(12月11日から): http://togetter.com/li/78381 Who's whoは下記参照: http://togetter.com/li/77850 続きを読む
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Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

"Baroness Kennedy, who has extensive experience in human rights, has joined Assange's defence team." http://goo.gl/RRbph

2010-12-14 06:54:30
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Baroness Ludford MEP, the Lib Dem European justice & human rights spokeswoman: "Assange's European Arrest Warrant is a fishing expedition"

2010-12-14 06:58:00
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Am confused - does WikiLeaks prove that there is some point to tolerating royalty?

2010-12-14 06:59:54
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Gideon Rachman in FT: America should give Assange a medal http://goo.gl/LUhzx (paywalled)

2010-12-14 07:10:26
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Rachman is an optimist: "the picture of the US that emerges from WikiLeaks is positive"

2010-12-14 07:11:50
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

How about "the picture of the US that emerges AFTER WikiLeaks is very far from positive"?

2010-12-14 07:12:13
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

Julian Assange will appear before court and try to win his release from prison tomorrow > http://is.gd/iH9Sd

2010-12-14 07:12:52
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

I find it very frustrating to book international airplane tickets these days.

2010-12-14 07:13:29
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

"Which airport do I want to be interrogated and harassed in...?" "Nope, not EWR again..." "How about a West coast airport? Are they nicer?"

2010-12-14 07:14:09
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

If Assange is charged with espionage, what about news orgs? http://goo.gl/ytOEN

2010-12-14 07:20:50
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Daily Mail: Britain on cyber warfare alert as Whitehall prepares for WikiLeaks revenge attacks on Government website http://goo.gl/DT5YJ

2010-12-14 07:49:43
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

That Daily Mail piece is hilarious. "National Security Adviser Ricketts said hackers would try to steal bank details of taxpayers"

2010-12-14 07:50:29
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: RBS chairman said directors 'failed to live up to their duties' http://bit.ly/eJdwJl #wikileaks

2010-12-14 08:15:45
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Ireland 'a bit optimistic' on banks before bailout http://bit.ly/ihq6I6 #wikileaks

2010-12-14 08:15:45
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: US pressured British regulator to act against Iranian banks http://bit.ly/hrmMc7 #wikileaks

2010-12-14 08:15:46
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: Mervyn King plotted banks bailout by four cash-rich nations http://bit.ly/ig5BWM #wikileaks

2010-12-14 08:15:46
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

"Now WikiLeaks has become a pawn in the “cold war” that is intensifying between the Putin and Medvedev clans." http://goo.gl/ebkdi

2010-12-14 08:16:13
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Quiz: "We are fighters for internet freedom" is the Twitter motto of a) Anonymous b) Google Ideas c) US Department of State d) Freedom House

2010-12-14 08:20:25
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Staff in Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade warned about accessing WikiLeaks on dept computers http://goo.gl/EwZVH

2010-12-14 08:26:21
Nadim Kobeissi @kaepora

Julian Assange wins TIME Person of the Year vote, but TIME editors yet to "unveil their choice" on who actually wins > http://is.gd/iHngJ

2010-12-14 08:32:59
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

US pressured UK to take action over Iranian banks | http://is.gd/iHFaQ

2010-12-14 10:20:42
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Julian Assange tops readers poll for Time Magazine Person on the Year | http://is.gd/iHEJl

2010-12-14 10:33:09
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

@KMBTweets He suggests DDOS is the same as violence - it's a lame comparison. He also claims it is anonymous - tell the arrested kids that?

2010-12-14 10:47:21
Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror

@KMBTweets Also, I don't have time to rebut every person that I think is short sighted on the internet. I'm responding to you, not him.

2010-12-14 11:00:06
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