#cablegate 12月21日から、Wikileaksは休みのようだけどガーディアンとニュースフィード、E・モロゾフやアサンジ弁護士のツイートを中心に(英語のみ) #WL_JP

編集中。 今回はロシア関連が注目です。たびたび言及されているShamir Israel氏は、ロシアの反ユダヤ主義者(ホロコースト否定論者)。WLがつながったのが彼ということで物議をかもしまくっています。23日になって、アレクサンドル・レベジェフ(あの『ノヴァヤ・ガゼータ』の社主)がロシアでWLに関する動きを、との報もあり…… 前スレ(12月18日から21日): 続きを読む
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Carl Gardner @carlgardner

RT @sunny_hundal: Do accusations of conspiracy against Julian Assange stand up? We look at the key issues: http://bit.ly/efozZl

2010-12-22 22:05:14
Guardian WikiLeaks @GdnCables

#cablegate WikiLeaks cables: US intervened in Michael Moore NZ screening http://bit.ly/hcmh3X #wikileaks

2010-12-22 22:11:18
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks Apple pulls WikiLeaks app from App Store: Apple said it had removed an unofficial Wik... http://bit.ly/f8teBE #breaking #news

2010-12-22 22:11:46
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

This WL oped is so bad I don't even know why I'm tweeting about it http://goo.gl/1da7o Bonus points: use of "information superhighway"

2010-12-22 22:17:17
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

The short summary of that oped: WL reveals that corporations need pundits like us

2010-12-22 22:18:26
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

I've found it impossible to contact a spokesman for @wikileaks for comment. | RT @AlexiMostrous: Kristinn Hrafnsson, @wikileaks spokesman ..

2010-12-22 22:21:06
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Seriously, who has WL "cyber-attacked" as the oped asserts? What kind of nonsense is that? Anonymous's DDoS is "sophisticated attacks"? How?

2010-12-22 22:22:50
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

RT @MarksLarks: @carlgardner he didn't Carl. Have confirmed to anyone who asked. It was the Governors decision, sd to be for safety.

2010-12-22 22:27:06
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Doesn't anyone care that the entire cable database has now ended up somewhere in Norway? That's a major screw-up, WikiLeaks

2010-12-22 22:40:47
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

@MarksLarks One more point, Mark: did JA object to the governor's segregation decision?

2010-12-22 22:42:45
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Belarusian dissidents wiretapped with technology from the Swedish corporation Ericsson http://is.gd/jdOkR (via @telecomix)

2010-12-22 22:46:15
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@OxbloodRuffin as long as Shamir had full access to the cables, I wouldn't be surprised if Osama is now reading them on his iPad

2010-12-22 22:47:49
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

That story on Ericsson's activities in Belarus was written by the Swedish journalist @hasserosen

2010-12-22 22:54:51
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

I'm also curious if @carlbildt has any views on Ericsson's activities in Belarus...

2010-12-22 22:59:45
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

Some media seem to be avoiding the word "rape" re: Julian Assange. See here from 0'40 http://bit.ly/hoerbQ & intro here http://bbc.in/hlTaLf

2010-12-22 23:49:52
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@aaronsw well, there is no word of any "deal" from WL. If they confirm they gave access to Norwegians, they yes, no difference...

2010-12-22 23:53:08
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@aaronsw true but then The Guardian acknowledged that they gave access to NYT. Who gave access to Norwegians? Once we know, it's ok

2010-12-22 23:55:17
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

@aaronsw now imagine someone gives access to Pravda. wouldn't you want to know the details?

2010-12-22 23:55:47
Carl Gardner @carlgardner

Assange’s lawyer denies he requested segregation: Julian Assange’s lawyer Mark Stephens made the denial in a twe... http://bit.ly/edxEoG

2010-12-23 00:04:22
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

Julian Assange’s All-Star Legal Team: the Starting Lineup + John Jones| VF Daily | Vanity Fair http://t.co/eGAgF7b via @vanityfairmag

2010-12-23 00:04:50
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

Julian Assange's other lawyer...missed the human rights part of our practice but hey? http://tinyurl.com/3aykp39

2010-12-23 00:11:21
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