#cablegate 12月21日から、Wikileaksは休みのようだけどガーディアンとニュースフィード、E・モロゾフやアサンジ弁護士のツイートを中心に(英語のみ) #WL_JP

編集中。 今回はロシア関連が注目です。たびたび言及されているShamir Israel氏は、ロシアの反ユダヤ主義者(ホロコースト否定論者)。WLがつながったのが彼ということで物議をかもしまくっています。23日になって、アレクサンドル・レベジェフ(あの『ノヴァヤ・ガゼータ』の社主)がロシアでWLに関する動きを、との報もあり…… 前スレ(12月18日から21日): 続きを読む
Nick Davies @Bynickdavies

US warned that today's Wikileaks stories would risk "countless lives". http://tinyurl.com/396oapm. That was a lie.

2010-11-29 18:26:04
Nick Davies @Bynickdavies

Wikileaks stories are all tales we would have published before - if official secrecy had not concealed them.

2010-11-29 18:28:12
Nick Davies @Bynickdavies

"Kill Assange" by the kind of all-American nutcase that gave all-American nutcases a bad name http://bit.ly/gW2I35

2010-12-04 23:27:24
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

@GaeMar01 co0nspiracy nonsense. Just like the Ruskies who think him to be a CIA spy

2010-12-18 04:45:32
Mark Stephens @MarksLarks

Damian Tambini: a perspective from a regulatory prof:- Wikileaks and Freedom of Speech: Can self regulation work?: http://t.co/lOpvc0O

2010-12-19 00:07:39
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks #us Montreal protesters rally in support of WikiLeaks: Chanting “long live WikiLeaks” a... http://bit.ly/g1dP5E #breakingnews

2010-12-19 13:02:34
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks revelations roil Indian politics: WikiLeaks website."I have been wondering ... http://bit.ly/e8l83H #breaking #news

2010-12-19 13:13:28
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks chief fears US charges: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said yesterday it ... http://bit.ly/g68hEE #breaking #news

2010-12-19 14:15:33
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks: Spielberg was blacklisted by Arabs over donation: Memo sent from US embass... http://bit.ly/epGOh4 #breaking #news

2010-12-19 16:17:34
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks: Spielberg was blacklisted by Arabs over donation: Memo sent from US embass... http://bit.ly/i7JNFh #breaking #news

2010-12-19 17:18:58
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks #us Dalley lashes US in swirling WikiLeaks drama: THE United States has again found its... http://bit.ly/fV5WHZ #breakingnews

2010-12-19 17:38:49
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable: NZ on standby for East Timor: May 25, 2005 NZ on standby for East Ti... http://bit.ly/h1IRwZ #asia #breaking

2010-12-19 18:06:08
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable: NZ on standby for East Timor: May 25, 2005 NZ on standby for East Ti... http://bit.ly/fj7Xqw #asia #breaking

2010-12-19 18:06:08
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks Guan Eng denies DAP gave information to WikiLeaks: KEPALA BATAS: DAP secretary-genera... http://bit.ly/hYk7iK #asia #breaking

2010-12-19 18:06:08
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable: NZ on standby for East Timor: May 25, 2005 NZ on standby for East Ti... http://bit.ly/fAFVRZ #breaking #news

2010-12-19 18:19:57
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable: Ahmadinejad meddling in soccer squad’s affairs: Memo sent by America... http://bit.ly/ff7ALw #asia #breaking

2010-12-19 18:36:55
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks Dalley lashes US in swirling WikiLeaks drama: THE United States has again found itsel... http://bit.ly/esEwi9 #breaking #news

2010-12-19 19:21:00
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#cablegate WikiLeaks cable: Ahmadinejad meddling in soccer squad’s affairs http://bit.ly/ebSuFz #wikileaks #breaking

2010-12-19 20:18:43
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable: Ahmadinejad meddling in soccer squad’s affairs: Memo sent by America... http://bit.ly/ebSuFz #breaking #news

2010-12-19 20:22:04
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks Dem Party chairman says don’t fear WikiLeaks: Democratic Party chair Anas Urbaningrum... http://bit.ly/g47pzP #asia #breaking

2010-12-19 21:41:48
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks Dem Party chairman says don’t fear WikiLeaks: Democratic Party chair Anas Urbaningrum... http://bit.ly/i2z92i #breaking #news

2010-12-19 21:54:28
Alexi Mostrous @AlexiMostrous

Annoying that #wikileaks issue - nuanced both morally and in terms of effect - is being reduced to slagging matches between opposing sides

2010-12-19 22:20:43
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable embarrasses Left leader: The Left party’s parliamentary leader Greg... http://bit.ly/hPK3Au #europe #breaking

2010-12-19 23:11:01
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable embarrasses Left leader: The Left party’s parliamentary leader Greg... http://bit.ly/hpRfwV #europe #breaking

2010-12-19 23:11:01
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