Globis IMBA Students' Account 12月のつぶやきまとめ

Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Our Facebook community has expanded its network to 946 people just in one month!

2010-12-23 09:44:23
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

ブログのリンクありがとうございました!! RT @YutakaTanabe 世界的な脳科学者、ティナ・シーリグさんが語りました。

2010-12-23 09:34:13
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

RT @YutakaTanabe @globis_imba_stu はい。そして質疑で失敗について質問したところ、1にリスクテイク、2に良い失敗もあるとも指摘されていました。世界水準の知の発想法を感じました。RT : フロンティアにいる科学者は創造性がなければならない...

2010-12-21 12:42:36
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

.@YutakaTanabe フロンティアにいる科学者は創造性がなければならない、とおっしゃっていましたね。不確実性を楽しむマインドセットが重要だと。

2010-12-21 08:14:37
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

RT @YutakaTanabe ティナ・シーリグさんは脳科学者であると私は思います。ベンチャーの世界的な集積地であるシリコンバレーに隣接したスタンフォード大学にて、独創性の研究、そして起業家教育をされ、世界的な知の巨人であると感じました。

2010-12-21 08:11:58
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Summarized yesterday's seminar : Top seminar of Dr. Seelig: How 2 enhance your creativity

2010-12-19 22:57:20
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

再送します☆ RT @Globis_IMBA_Stu RT @nana_tk: 「グロービス経営大学院のでのティナ・シーリグ教授講演まとめ」をトゥギャりました。

2010-12-19 22:45:33
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu


2010-12-19 00:48:40
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

シーリグ教授がQ&Aで紹介されていたスタンフォード大学の"entrepreneurship Corner"も面白そうです。

2010-12-19 00:34:05
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu


2010-12-19 00:32:41
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Thx. It was so stimulating! RT @TIBETTER Hello! TIne's seminar was so powerful and gave many suggestions! Your tweet is very helpful summary

2010-12-19 00:16:54
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Here's the resource Dr. Seelig introduced in her Q&A sessions. Videos about entrepreneurship.

2010-12-19 00:15:13
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Be positive! The bigger the problem, the bigger the return will be. It is the way entrepreneurs view problems.

2010-12-19 00:11:51
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

There are 2 failures: Poor execution & ideas that didn't work. Poor execution is just bad, but you learn lessons from ineffective ideas

2010-12-19 00:08:07
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Push yourself out of your comfort zone. But taking risk is not doing stupid thing. Be prepared well enough as if you climb up the Everest.

2010-12-19 00:03:37
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#9:Attitude. Believe that we can be creative to solve problems. When in trouble, pick an object and ask yourself what you can do with it.

2010-12-18 23:58:24
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#8: Do many experiments. Since we don't know the answer, try quickly and get feedback from trials. It leads us to creative ideas.

2010-12-18 23:55:59
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#7: Rules matter. We love games. Games consists of rules and freedom. Small change can create huge outcome (competition vs. collaboration)

2010-12-18 23:54:04
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#6: Time matters. Pressure (time/ resources etc.) can be good stimulus of creativity. The movie "Apollo 13" is a good example.

2010-12-18 23:51:06
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#5: Space matters. The physical environment stimulates one's creativity. Offices and classrooms can be stimulus of inspiration.

2010-12-18 23:49:51
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#4:Reframe problem. Ask questions about what to be asked. Setting a question differently sometimes give different perspectives.

2010-12-18 23:45:42
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#3:Challenge assumption. Ppl tend to stop thinking after coming up with an answer. Seek for 2nd/3rd answers that can bring up creative ideas

2010-12-18 23:42:16
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#2:Connect & Combine. Combine things that are not combined before. Gathering people from different background also stimulates creativity

2010-12-18 23:39:16
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

#1:Observation: Pay attention to what other ppl don't. People are easily miss to find important messages when focus on what they have to do

2010-12-18 23:06:21
Globis I-MBA Student @Globis_IMBA_Stu

Nice to see her son's face 'cause "What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20" was written for her son.

2010-12-18 23:03:27