#cablegate 主に12月23日から、英語圏のウィキリークスに関するツイート(英語のみ) #WL_JP

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WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#cablegate WikiLeaks cable: Shin Bet chief called Palestinian counterpart ‘psychopath’ http://bit.ly/fc9Ceg #wikileaks #breaking

2010-12-23 11:20:29
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks WikiLeaks cable: Shin Bet chief called Palestinian counterpart ‘psychopath’: Newly re... http://bit.ly/fc9Ceg #breaking #news

2010-12-23 11:27:06
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

RT @EFF #Wikileaks Mirror Taken Down: Host Buckles Under Demands from Upstream Provider https://eff.org/r.4vQ #netfreedom

2010-12-23 11:35:10
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Sir David Frost interview with Julian Assange | http://is.gd/jgECL

2010-12-23 11:37:00
Asher Wolf @Asher_Wolf

"There's…vastly different reports about what the Pentagon's saying vs. what Manning's saying." http://is.gd/jgCId

2010-12-23 11:37:46
WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Assange interviewed on the Dylan Ratigan Show - MSNBC | http://is.gd/jgHYQ

2010-12-23 11:54:34
Asher Wolf @Asher_Wolf

Latest on how Bradley's doing: http://is.gd/jgFyB "Manning…had not seen sunlight in 4 weeks."

2010-12-23 12:34:07
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

Moved my wish list to indigo.chapters.ca, and finally closed down my Amazon account. Thousands of $ gone bye bye #BoycottAmazon - #Wikileaks

2010-12-23 13:02:40
Evgeny Morozov @evgenymorozov

Host suspends a WikiLeaks mirror site saying they fear future DDoS attacks (via @lensassaman) http://bit.ly/gNoblz

2010-12-23 13:15:50
Asher Wolf @Asher_Wolf

UN rep: "The right to access information held by public authorities is a fundamental human right." https://eff.org/r.v8H #Wikileaks

2010-12-23 13:24:49
WikiLeaks News @wikileaksnews

#wikileaks Wikileaks exposures covered by smiles and handshakes: Four days after the Wikileaks r... http://bit.ly/fzLawK #breaking #news

2010-12-23 13:29:58
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression: Statement on #Wikileaks: http://bit.ly/gAw2IN

2010-12-23 15:01:10
Trevor Timm @trevortimm

John Burns of NYT sans Assange interview: "Under 'High Tech House Arrest,' #Wikileaks Founder Takes the Offensive" http://nyti.ms/hXrf85

2010-12-23 15:13:28
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

One of #Assange's best interviews yet, well worth listening to closely and carefully ( http://bit.ly/erysaY ) #Wikileaks

2010-12-23 15:18:02
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"information regarding human rights violations should not be considered secret or classified" ( http://bit.ly/heYLgi ) #Wikileaks #cablegate

2010-12-23 15:26:43
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"The right to access information held by public authorities is a fundamental human right" ( http://bit.ly/heYLgi ) #Wikileaks #cablegate

2010-12-23 15:27:30
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"the right of every person to access public information and to know what governments are doing on their behalf" ( http://bit.ly/heYLgi )

2010-12-23 15:29:05
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"Public authorities...bear sole responsibility for protecting the confidentiality of legitimately classified info" ( http://bit.ly/heYLgi )

2010-12-23 15:30:11
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"Calls by public officials for illegitimate retributive action are not acceptable" ( http://bit.ly/heYLgi ) #Wikileaks #cablegate

2010-12-23 15:30:46
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"Filtering systems imposed by a govt or commercial provider are a form of censorship & cannot be justified" http://bit.ly/heYLgi #Wikileaks

2010-12-23 15:33:06
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

"Corporations should respect rights of their clients to use the Internet without arbitrary interference" ( http://bit.ly/heYLgi ) #Wikileaks

2010-12-23 15:34:17
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

Very hard quiz: Which side is advocating violence? Which side is violating human rights? Is it #Wikileaks or the US Govt? #terrorism

2010-12-23 15:40:06
Maximilian Forte @ZeroAnthro

Don't ask #Assange stupid questions about the biography of his cock, and you get a brilliant interview ( http://bit.ly/erysaY ) #Wikileaks

2010-12-23 15:42:16
Asher Wolf @Asher_Wolf

Daniel Ellsberg on Wikileaks, Assange, Manning, Civil Disobedience and more: http://bit.ly/fHPSUS

2010-12-23 15:42:36
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