
しましまのRecSys2015の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys15/
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Toine Bogers @toinebogers

Kevin Labille on building a conceptual recommender for CiteSeerX at #cbrecsys2015 #recsys2015 pic.twitter.com/bp2bZyp5UG

2015-09-20 21:58:23
Stacey Donohue @staceydonohue

@relEVENTcity draws on implicit user preferences to create streamlined recommendations. #RecSys2015 pic.twitter.com/UB11jfTvz3

2015-09-20 22:00:57
NeziM @NezhatMahdavi

#Now #Recsys2015 ,Design and development of a real-time RecSys based tourists activities @ACMRecSys @AliJazdarreh pic.twitter.com/no7FojmJ1c

2015-09-20 22:06:22
CrowdRec @CrowdRec

Dinner after the @crowdrec External Advisory Board meeting. Thanks @alexk_z for a great restaurant reco #recsys2015 pic.twitter.com/FgXuVTwWis

2015-09-20 22:07:06
Luchito79 @luisteran79

About to start my Keynote at the Large Scale Recommender Systems Workshop #recsys2015 pic.twitter.com/tg5eUOTzbD

2015-09-20 22:51:22
Michael Ekstrand @mdekstrand

Recommending election information, candidates. Reminds me of the Asimov story "Franchise". en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franchise… #recsys2015 #lsrs

2015-09-20 23:14:40
Michael Ekstrand @mdekstrand

Now up: eBay recommendations for sellers. #recsys2015

2015-09-20 23:36:31
Michael Ekstrand @mdekstrand

#lsrs #lsrs2015 #recsys2015 I really like the set of recommendations eBay faces. Always enjoy hearing their work.

2015-09-20 23:37:52
Luchito79 @luisteran79

Presenting SmartParticipation at the Large Scale Recommender Systems Workshop #recsys2015. Thanks @taoyeah @datoinc pic.twitter.com/lVjvZvvF1X

2015-09-20 23:46:16
Dimitar Dinchev @ddinchev

After enjoying #recsys2015 it's time to go home. It was quite good actually :)

2015-09-21 00:01:22
Tao Ye @taoyeah

@luisteran79 great talk! #recsys2015 Cool fuzzy cluster to broaden voting participation. @JeremySchiff asks when we can have it in the US :)

2015-09-21 00:01:32
Tao Ye @taoyeah

Wow the day went by so fast! Thanks for an awesome #lsrs2015! We're collecting slides, will be on dato.com/events/lsrs15.… soon. #recsys2015

2015-09-21 00:04:35
Romain Lerallut 💙💛 🌻 @RLerallut

Huge thanks to all who made #recsys2015 a success, organisers, speakers, attendees. See you all next year or even earlier at @recsysfr

2015-09-21 00:10:48
Alan Menk @alanmenk

My little contribution in #recsys2015 - A Recommender System Based on Human Curiosity. pic.twitter.com/Bh9yuYPOpR

2015-09-21 00:28:40
ACM RecSys @ACMRecSys

The videos of talks from #RecSys2015 are now available on our youtube channel j.mp/1MgG1Xg #recsys

2015-10-08 19:00:40
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