
しましまのRecSys2015の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys15/
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しましま @shima__shima


2015-09-16 19:26:20
しましま @shima__shima

Spotify のフィードバックに応じた推薦は,行列分解,CBOW/Skipグラムなどのブログ記事・ニュースのNLP処理,CNNを使った音響処理 benanne.github.io/2014/08/05/spo… に,局所的なフィードバックを勾配ブースティングでスタッキングしてる

2015-09-16 19:26:28
しましま @shima__shima


2015-09-16 19:26:38
Prof. Christoph Trattner @ctrattner

@domonkostikk good to see an other presentation at recsys that deals with decay :)

2015-09-16 19:27:01
Lukas Toma @lukas_toma

Search (filter) + Recommender (rank). Very elegant solution #scalable #RecSys2015 #scalableRStut

2015-09-16 19:27:41
D Parra ~ GPH: generative pre-trained human @denisparra

@ctrattner @domonkostikk yeah, if you want to see more on time-aware recsys and decay, check our poster later dx.doi.org/10.1145/279283…

2015-09-16 19:29:35
しましま @shima__shima

Spotify の人は結構中身まで踏み込んで話してくれたな

2015-09-16 19:31:12
Roland Gude @rjtg_

@alansaid is Looking for the organizer of next @recsyschallenge #recsys If you are interested. Contact him pic.twitter.com/ywqd27d8l5

2015-09-16 19:31:47
David Elsweiler @delsweil

My first #recsys. Hello @recsys2015. Hope to meet lots of you in the next few hours

2015-09-16 20:01:50
Diana @sdianahu

@ACMRecSys giving a tutorial on Scalable recommender systems: Where machine learning meets search! recsys.acm.org/recsys15/tutor…

2015-09-16 20:25:27
paolinho @paolinho

@MrChrisJohnson Will the slides from your fantastic #recsys2015 tutorial be available online? Or is there even a VOD? Thx.

2015-09-16 20:36:08
Daniel Valcarce @dvalcarce

The HS1 room is really crowded! A lot of interest in recommender systems! #recsys2015 pic.twitter.com/CSC5lAKw6I

2015-09-16 20:42:44
しましま @shima__shima

参加者総数:水曜日正午で 480人 (予測は350),参加者国別:米18% 独8% 伊6% 英6% 中6% 墺5% イスラエル4% 西4%,アカデミア 35.5% インダストリ 39.6% 残り不明.去年の500+ は超えなかったが,一昨年よりはずっと多い

2015-09-16 20:48:22
Frank T. Hopfgartner @FTHopf

Find the slides of our #recsys2015 tutorial on "Real-Time Recommendation of Streamed Data" at de.slideshare.net/fraho/recsys15…

2015-09-16 20:52:02
前へ 1 ・・ 3 4 ・・ 28 次へ