2011年1月15日: チュニジア(5) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #jasminrevolt #OpTunisia

現地のバイリンガル、マルチリンガルの人たちによる直接の情報発信、在外チュニジア人の方々のツイートと、現地入りしている英語圏ジャーナリストのツイート、淡々としたニュース系ツイート、分析系ツイートをなどまとめました。(英語、フランス語、日本語) 一部、特に米メディアで、今回のチュニジアの革命について「ツイッター革命」だとか「ウィキリークス革命」だとかいわれているそうですが、その点についてはこのページの最後のほうに。結論だけ言うと、その言説はウケのよい「物語」です。現実は(現地入りした米国人記者のツイート): No one I spoke to in Tunis today mentioned twitter, facebook or wikileaks. It's all about unemployment, corruption, oppression. #Tunisia http://twitter.com/bencnn/status/26288163903250432
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Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

[traduction] http://bit.ly/gGfJAv 「チュニジア人民は大統領の椅子がティファル製であることを要求する。次期大統領が椅子にこびりつかないように」→ちなみにティファル鍋については→http://bit.ly/hcSp5a

2011-01-16 03:39:51
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

My Tunisian source tell me that the army told Tunisians to stay home because army helicopters will use fire power tonight.

2011-01-16 03:42:54
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#Tunisia: Nesma TV - Imad #Trabelis, nephew of wife of ex-President #BenAli, is dead http://tinyurl.com/6e7j7ud #sidibouzid (corrected)

2011-01-16 03:43:11
meedan @meedan

RT @slim404: . @Ooouups je n'ai pas été torturé physiquement (ou très peu). Uniquement psychologiquement.

2011-01-16 03:46:11
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

"The Jasmine Revolution... is already in danger of being trampled by jackboots." http://t.co/SUtWRjf

2011-01-16 03:49:22
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Dos jóvenes Argelinos se prenden fuego por malestar social. En francés: http://bit.ly/grbYIb via @MajaMischke #sidibouzid #algeria

2011-01-16 03:50:33
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

My Tunisian Source (MTS from now on) says that young Tunisians are using chat groups on BlackBerry Messenger to communicate with each other

2011-01-16 03:52:55
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

RT@alhajsaleh تشديد رهيب على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي في سوريا: منعو اضافة للفيس بوك اليوتيب كل برامج المحادثة على الموبايل الدورعلى ياهوهتميل

2011-01-16 03:53:00
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

HipHop Bizertin: Touche pas à ma Tunisie, by Armada Bizerta #sidibouzid http://is.gd/fhUTbv

2011-01-16 03:53:15
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

& might be "Ninja" in #WikiLeaks doc http://tinyurl.com/63g8sob // MT @shariatmadari: "Mossad Agent" is Pro-Ahmadinejad Martial Artist #Iran

2011-01-16 03:53:58
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

MTS says that Tunisian youth are coordinating neighbourhood patrols to keep thugs away via the BBM chat groups.

2011-01-16 03:54:50
meedan @meedan

RT @achrisafis: Extremely tense in Tunis, reports there and in surrounding area that people's houses and flats also broken into and ransack

2011-01-16 03:55:05
Nawaat @nawaat

Nawaat: Le vrai miracle Tunisien: Imprévisible, foudroyant, exaltant, historique… Voilà comment on pourrait qual... http://bit.ly/ec0I6z

2011-01-16 03:55:53
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

#sidibouzid #arab لاشك ان شبح سيدي بوزيد يطارد كل الحكومات العربية. توقعوا تشديدات واجراءات وربما أيضا محاولات استمالة للشعب

2011-01-16 03:56:03
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

FT reporting that security forces seems to be deliberating "sowing chaos" to justify a crackdown #Tunisia

2011-01-16 03:56:20
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Leila Sheikhly of Al Jazeera mistakenly called Tunisia "Iraq", Dr Mohd Al Yousefi, her guest told her "Tunisia is not Iraq, it's civilised".

2011-01-16 03:57:33
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

DAY 30 Tunisian Uprising. Solidarity with Tunisian people expressed through small gatherings in Yemen Egypt Jordan Palestine.. #Sidibouzid

2011-01-16 03:57:49
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

DIA 30 Rebelión tunecina. Pequeñas concentraciones de solidaridad con pueblo tunecino en Jordania Egipto Yemen Palestina.. #Sidibouzid #arab

2011-01-16 03:58:55
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#Tunisia Picture: The Letters Come Down at what was Zine El Abidine Ben Ali airport http://tinyurl.com/692rg22 #jasminrevolt #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 03:59:07
Voice of Tunisia @Voiceoftunisia

In answer to @abmoul : Army is arresting militias. would be dangerous to give arms to people. We don't want civil war. #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-16 03:59:26
Nawaat @nawaat

RT @Mimizzs @tunisie: La fille de ben ali a quitté eurodisney vers une destination inconnue! Quelqu'un peut vérifie du côté du parc astérix?

2011-01-16 03:59:37
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