2011年1月15日: チュニジア(5) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #jasminrevolt #OpTunisia

現地のバイリンガル、マルチリンガルの人たちによる直接の情報発信、在外チュニジア人の方々のツイートと、現地入りしている英語圏ジャーナリストのツイート、淡々としたニュース系ツイート、分析系ツイートをなどまとめました。(英語、フランス語、日本語) 一部、特に米メディアで、今回のチュニジアの革命について「ツイッター革命」だとか「ウィキリークス革命」だとかいわれているそうですが、その点についてはこのページの最後のほうに。結論だけ言うと、その言説はウケのよい「物語」です。現実は(現地入りした米国人記者のツイート): No one I spoke to in Tunis today mentioned twitter, facebook or wikileaks. It's all about unemployment, corruption, oppression. #Tunisia http://twitter.com/bencnn/status/26288163903250432
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2011-01-15 22:25:40
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

all 2 HumanRights NGO to go to #Tunisia Monitor the "counter revolution" that's being carried by Police & Ruling party militia #sidibouzid

2011-01-15 22:31:02
benwedeman @bencnn

#Libya TV says Qaddafi (in power since '69-longest ruling Arab leader) will address Tunisian pple. What cld he pssbly have to say? #Tunisia

2011-01-15 22:31:17
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

RT @QifaNabki: An Nahar reporting #STL indictments released today or Monday latest. Umm, fan? I'd like you to meet sh#t...

2011-01-15 22:34:55
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

チュニジア:現在パリのレピュブリック広場でチュニジア支援デモ開催中 #manifparis

2011-01-15 22:35:17
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Tunisia's dictator may be gone but his constitution is not yet forgotten, by Nathan Brown @MidEastChannel http://bit.ly/fxbpAi

2011-01-15 22:36:34
Nawaat @nawaat

Il faut soutenir l'armée et les officiers de la police qui reprennent leurs postes. Il faut reprendre le pays en mains #sidibouzid

2011-01-15 22:44:54


2011-01-15 22:47:21
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Nothing to do with Tunisia. But see pic of crowds in Barjeel Art Foundation now. Massive crowds. http://yfrog.com/gzkluuj

2011-01-15 22:48:18
Jonathan Rugman @jrug

Coalition cobbled together to provide some sort of stability. Many Tunisians more worried about looting at nightfall and no bread I think

2011-01-15 22:51:48
benwedeman @bencnn

Central Tunis has become a pedestrian zone. Almost no traffic. Just police and army. #tunisia

2011-01-15 22:55:50
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

video: Army in Bizerte arresting death squad who are terrorizing citizens #sidibouzid http://is.gd/Oukmw3 #tunisia

2011-01-15 22:57:07
Nawaat @nawaat

I uploaded a YouTube video -- video: Army in Bizerte arresting death squad who are te ... http://youtu.be/KLTUnzPagnw?a

2011-01-15 23:00:04
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

RT @Max_Fisher: Michael Hanna on why, after Tunisia, the Arab world and its politics will never be the same http://bit.ly/fEeH1Q

2011-01-15 23:06:46


2011-01-15 23:07:57
benwedeman @bencnn

Call to prayer is now echoing in Avenue de France largely empty of civilians. Melancholy. #Tunisia

2011-01-15 23:10:03
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

#tunisia #sidibouzid NYT記事。チュニジアの1月14日について、何がどのように報道されたか、についてのまとめ。非常に読みやすい。 / Joy as Tunisian President Flees Offers … http://htn.to/eVFgoA

2011-01-15 23:10:52
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Going to be hard to organize meaningful Tunisian elections in 60 days after decades of tight repression, but has to be done

2011-01-15 23:12:15
benwedeman @bencnn

Municipal workers now removing huge posters of Bin Ali in Place de l'Independence. No fanfare. No cheering. No civilians. #tunisia

2011-01-15 23:13:14
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