2011年1月16日: チュニジア(7) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #jasminrevolt #OpTunisia

(6) http://togetter.com/li/89721 で隣国リビアの独裁政権トップ、カダフィ大佐が、ベンアリを擁護する演説をしましたが、その後、ついにリビアが燃え始めたとの報告が来ています。日本時間16日午後3時台から。
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Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

I've never been to #Tunisia but hope to rectify that soon. Looking forward to visiting free Tunisia soon. #Gaddafi and I go back to 1996.

2011-01-16 15:53:23
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

I'm getting reports that YouTube has been blocked in Libya. This only makes it worse for you, #Ghadaffi... #OpLibya #SidiBouzid

2011-01-16 15:55:26
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Hours before fleeing Tunis, Sakher El Materi, the former dictator's son in law posts a video saying "I won't leave" http://bit.ly/eD41L9

2011-01-16 15:55:32
Weddady @weddady

What the hell!! RT @zoomax1: RT @emudeer: Police station being burned in Zawwara http://youtu.be/PPRnyiCW6FE #Sidibouzid #Libya

2011-01-16 15:56:50
Weddady @weddady

RT @Cyrenaican: that video of Zawwara is from 2009, heard things about clashes in response to housing but havent seen videos

2011-01-16 16:01:02
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Reuters highlights of Ghaddafi speech on Tunisia last night: http://bit.ly/h0rpkc (Also go through my timeline for more) cc @blakehounshell

2011-01-16 16:01:50
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

We are posting a special article from @JShahryar, "#Tunisia and The Real Net Effect: Getting It Right on Protest & Social Media" in 10 mins.

2011-01-16 16:04:01
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