2011年1月16日: チュニジア(7) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #jasminrevolt #OpTunisia

(6) http://togetter.com/li/89721 で隣国リビアの独裁政権トップ、カダフィ大佐が、ベンアリを擁護する演説をしましたが、その後、ついにリビアが燃え始めたとの報告が来ています。日本時間16日午後3時台から。
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

CNN reporter seems to not understand the fact that the police are death squads being arrested http://goo.gl/DVuCc #SidiBouzid #OpTunisia

2011-01-16 08:02:52
Weddady @weddady

Disparue: Tigre couleur jaune tracé noir, poids 80 kg. contactez la fondation Brigitte Bardot si vs le voyez. #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:08:24

Tunisia hit by widespread looting - Africa - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/Yc2Rls0 via @AddThis

2011-01-16 08:13:28
Weddady @weddady

قولوا لي يا توانسة، فين برهان بسيس، فين الطحان؟ #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:13:55
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

The funny thing to me is that the most unreliable source of information about the Tunisian uprising has been Western journalism #SidiBouzid

2011-01-16 08:16:15
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

404 NOT FOUND RT @weddady: قولوا لي يا توانسة، فين برهان بسيس، فين الطحان؟ #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:17:24
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

At the risk of editorializing, I would say that Western journalism about Tunisia has more resembled tourism than anything else. #SidiBouzid

2011-01-16 08:17:37
Weddady @weddady

RT @walidsa3d: 404 NOT FOUND RT @weddady: قولوا لي يا توانسة، فين برهان بسيس، فين الطحان؟ #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:18:15
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

Hopefully, #SidiBouzid will be a wake-up call not only to tyrants but to the incompetent media who unwittingly support them. #OpTunisia

2011-01-16 08:19:40
Weddady @weddady

No need to know Arabic: Kaddafi is SCARED & rambles on #Tunisia uprising. He's more incoherent than ever http://bit.ly/ifb2na #Libya

2011-01-16 08:19:53
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

Journalism is hard to do under a media blackout. But that just means there's an interesting story worth getting out. #SidiBouzid #OpTunisia

2011-01-16 08:20:20
Weddady @weddady

Kaddafi is so SCARED that he's rambling and recycling Ben Ali's talking points on the "Tunisian Mircale" #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:20:50
Weddady @weddady

Skippy Kaddafi praising #Tunisia economy, he assumes his ppl won't ask: "if we have oil & our econ is so bad, what use r u?" #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:22:03
Weddady @weddady

The most lucid analysis on the events after fall of Ben Ali by Dr Moncef Marzouki [Ar] http://bit.ly/fyRhpG #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:27:24
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

Tunisians are united now more than ever against Ben Ali and his gangs #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:28:18
Weddady @weddady

نصيحة موريتانية مبنية على إجهاض تجربتنا الديموقراطية للشعب التونسي: حذااااااااري من رموز الفساد. حذاري من رموز الفساد #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:29:10
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

my f..king Lacie external H drive is not mounting! I have more than 100.000 #sidibouzid tweets and 6GB of #sidibouzid videos in it SHIT SHIT

2011-01-16 08:30:58
Nawaat @nawaat

RT @weddady: نصيحة موريتانية مبنية على إجهاض تجربتنا الديموقراطية للشعب التونسي: حذااااااري من رموز الفساد. حذاري من رموز الفساد #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:32:18
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

アルジェリア:El Watanによれば、二人の若者が自分の体にガソリンまき火をつけた模様。一人は26歳のHSさんでジジェル在住、もう一人はテベサ在住のAzzedine Bさん。Azzadine Bさんは仕事で得た住まいから立ち退き迫られ http://bit.ly/fJ6Ph5

2011-01-16 08:36:17
Anon News Network @AnonNewsNet

RT @marmite_news “War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.” ➽ #Sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:37:29
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Algunos seguramente andan haciendo arreglos desde ahora para no dar mucha vuelta por el mundo en un avión buscando nueva patria #Sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:47:49
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

RT @sndroni: #sidibouzid Protecting the Tunisian revolution - a guide for Tunisians to protect from violence http://pastebin.com/jHuJiHkN

2011-01-16 08:51:28

‘Tunisian Jews unaffected by upheaval’ http://t.co/hDw5EdH via @Jerusalem_Post

2011-01-16 08:52:45
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