2011年1月16日: チュニジア(7) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #jasminrevolt #OpTunisia

(6) http://togetter.com/li/89721 で隣国リビアの独裁政権トップ、カダフィ大佐が、ベンアリを擁護する演説をしましたが、その後、ついにリビアが燃え始めたとの報告が来ています。日本時間16日午後3時台から。
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Weddady @weddady

#algeria RT @Naddah: RT @Moumny: Urgent, 2 youths set themselves on fire in Jijel et Tebessa ! (El Watan) http://bit.ly/gNCAjX #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 08:54:53
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Andan con miedo estos días los que benefecian de los regímenes árabes corruptos. #SidiBouzid los persigue como pesadilla pesaaaada!

2011-01-16 08:57:08
Nawaat @nawaat

Nawaat: Tunisie : Fierté, Doutes, Espoirs: “Si quelqu’un est apte à établir des institutions, ce qu’il établi ne... http://bit.ly/hgWJK9

2011-01-16 08:59:34


2011-01-16 09:00:27
Weddady @weddady

RT @Tharwacolamus: خدعة من عصر العباسيين: عندما يضطرب النظام، أطلق المساجين و أخلق البلبلة لتجعل الناس يفتقدون الحكم البائد #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 09:09:22
Weddady @weddady

My fellow Mauritanians..instead of writing poems about the heroism of the ppl of #Tunisia why don't u bring down your dictator? #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 09:13:55
Weddady @weddady

رموز الفساد RT @zero10un: RT @benbentn: لن نقبل الحرس القديم مهما غيروا من ألوانهم و اسمائهم، لستم إلا شردمة النظام البائد #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 09:15:28
Nawaat @nawaat

I uploaded a YouTube video -- HannabaTV: "3000 policiers derrière les operations ... http://youtu.be/KTEdWQegYEA?a

2011-01-16 09:26:04
Mohamed ElBaradei @ElBaradei

Violence in Tunisia now is a reaction to decades of repression.Regime must understand that peaceful change is the only way out.

2011-01-16 09:27:16
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

هناك حالة انفلات أمني ، وهناك من لديهم نية للتخريب. لم يعد لدي شك، لكن هناك أيضا تنفيس عن الإحباط بالشكل الخطأ #sidibouzid #Tunisia

2011-01-16 09:30:18
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Visitez: http://sidibouzidtunisia.crowdmap.com et participez dans la documentation et la mise au jour des évènements en Tunisie #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 09:35:07
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

Arab despots should heed events in Tunisia | Observer editorial http://gu.com/p/2mexb/tf

2011-01-16 09:38:16
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille


2011-01-16 09:43:12
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

Imed Trabelsi is dead. He was knifed some days ago in his own nightclub #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 10:01:42
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille


2011-01-16 10:01:52
Masaaki Noguchi @abu_mustafa

中東の窓 : チュニジア情勢(ナハダ党首の帰国の動き) http://blog.livedoor.jp/abu_mustafa/archives/3322719.html

2011-01-16 10:10:42
Weddady @weddady

Imad Trabelsi est mort de quoi? tué? les circonstances? #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 10:19:30
Weddady @weddady

Confirmed:Ben Ali's brother in law died from severe wounds RT @Naddah: http://t.co/tJenbaC #sidibouzid #Tunisie

2011-01-16 10:20:14
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

Twelve hours that shook Tunisia, trapped in my hotel room » Nawaat de Tunisie - Tunisia http://t.co/iD8sJUC via @nawaat #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 10:25:50
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

agree! RT @rafik: @mbelinsky they come late like many and people in the ground are not necessarily going to use such tools

2011-01-16 10:28:50
Weddady @weddady

According to @rafik @Mystere_Vertigo Ben Ali's brother in law was stabbed by a former employee #sidibouzid

2011-01-16 10:29:16
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