Josh Grisettiが「宝塚では結婚が許されていないのは公正か?」と問いかけた結果。

Plince of Broadwayで日本滞在中のJosh Grisettiの問いへのリプライとそれに関するツイートをまとめました。
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KAHO/歌穂 @kahoinjapan

@JoshGrisetti Oh yeah now I get it. Haha! ;) I ADMIRE YOU A LOT, JOSH!! ❤️ I can see you next week!😳👯 Finally!

2015-11-27 20:43:17
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@kaho19970325 I hate it!! It is the rule of perverted old men: not the rule of artists, dancers, singers or lovers. #VivalaRevolution!! ❤️❤️

2015-11-27 20:45:48
KAHO/歌穂 @kahoinjapan

@JoshGrisetti I still don't know what is love.(I mean bf/gf loves.) then this rule. WHAT. So confusing! They don't need any rules for love!

2015-11-27 20:51:09
Yasuko @happy_yappy

@JoshGrisetti It sounds like being asked "Why hieromonks can't get married?" #toughquestion

2015-11-27 20:00:24
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@happy_yappy yes! But performers are NOT monks!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

2015-11-27 20:42:42
Yasuko @happy_yappy

@JoshGrisetti the Q is: Member of an organization are not allowed to get married while you can choose other orgs. Is it good/bad or fair?

2015-11-27 21:27:01
Yasuko @happy_yappy

@JoshGrisetti I can answer if I like it or not(my A is no), but it's quite difficult to answer if it's good/bad right/wrong fair/unfair.

2015-11-27 21:27:11
Yasuko @happy_yappy

@JoshGrisetti but I think it's good to raise a Q when you feel something weird😉Actually I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know🙋

2015-11-27 21:28:11
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@happy_yappy I think it makes the girls seem like property, not people. Any organization that promotes such beliefs of women is unfair to me

2015-11-27 22:08:26
Yasuko @happy_yappy

@JoshGrisetti I can see your point, though somehow I don't feel so. BTW, there are lots of women who get married after they left Takarazuka.

2015-11-27 22:22:23
Ayk @ayatheater

@JoshGrisetti I don't think it's fair. But people sees Takarazuka is a school and the members are all students.

2015-11-27 20:52:12
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@ayatheater yes. It is a school. But after high school age, women should be free to fall in love and be married, I think. 😁❤️

2015-11-27 21:07:34
Ayk @ayatheater

@JoshGrisetti But under the rules of Purity, Honesty, and Beauty, Actually they can make a boyfriend!

2015-11-27 21:02:55
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@ayatheater yes, but this is not enough! A boyfriend is not a husband! As an American, I cannot understand why this is allowed to happen. 😨

2015-11-27 21:08:52
Ayk @ayatheater

@JoshGrisetti hmm.. It's organized by teenage girls formerly, that's why, I think. But slowly they accept all ages till their retirement .❤️

2015-11-27 21:59:34
Ayk @ayatheater

@JoshGrisetti I hope they will gradually change their tradition like they accept all ages.🌱💕 No borders of love and art!

2015-11-27 22:01:49
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@ayatheater YES! Me too!! 😀😍🇯🇵👊❤️

2015-11-27 22:16:55
ゆおん @H6MTekrJnMBKehJ

@JoshGrisetti A certain their limit time is attractive. It is not a normal drama.

2015-11-27 21:16:28
ゆおん @H6MTekrJnMBKehJ

@JoshGrisetti It is difference in sense of values of the theatrical company itself.

2015-11-27 21:16:52
ゆおん @H6MTekrJnMBKehJ

@JoshGrisetti After having gone down from the stage, it is the same.

2015-11-27 21:27:43
ゆおん @H6MTekrJnMBKehJ

@JoshGrisetti Takarazuka performs only a story of the love publicly.

2015-11-27 21:27:26
ゆおん @H6MTekrJnMBKehJ

@JoshGrisetti What is the reason to ask us about this matter?

2015-11-27 21:30:33
Josh Grisetti @JoshGrisetti

@H6MTekrJnMBKehJ because in the U.S. this would NEVER be permitted. So I wonder why Japanese people don't stop it. ???

2015-11-27 22:11:03
大原 薫 Kaoru Ohara @theresonlyhere


2015-11-27 21:24:18
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