#tunisia #sidibouzid チュニジア、入閣したブロガー、Slim Amamouさんとフォロワーさんたちの対話(英語)

チュニジアで、ベンアリ大統領(当時)が国外に脱出したあと、6ヵ月後に行なわれる予定の選挙までの間の内閣に、ブロガーで「言論の自由、ネット規制反対」の活動を続けてきた Slim Amamouさん @slim404 がスポーツ・青少年担当省庁の大臣として入閣した、というニュースは、日本のマスメディアでも伝えられました。 しかし、結局この政権がベンアリの専制的な体制を支えてきた政党RCDの政治家たちを中心とするものであるため、Slimさんの入閣をどう見るかについては、彼をfollowしている人々、情勢を見守ってきた人々、「蜂起(革命)」に参加した人々の間でもかなり激しい議論となっています。 以下は、普段はフランス語で投稿しているSlim Amamouさんと、以前から交流のあるブロガー&ツイッタラーさんたちとのやり取りを中心にまとめたものです。 続きを読む
Liberate Tunisia @LiberateTunisia

PLZ RT RT @slim404 Shame on you! are you happy collaborating with criminals and thieves from Ben Ali party. Wake up!. #SidiBouzid #Tunisia

2011-01-18 22:45:17
Slim Amamou @slim404

What's this story about criminals in the govt. who is criminal? links?

2011-01-19 01:49:12
Slim Amamou @slim404

c'est quoi ces histoires de membres du gouvernement criminels? qui est criminel? donnez moi des liens

2011-01-19 01:50:29
Nawaat @nawaat

@slim404 juste pour te rappeler qu'un complice actif ou passif d'un crime est, pour la justice, coupable et condamnable.... #sidibouzid

2011-01-19 02:12:30
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

As a dear friend, I ask you @slim404 don't accept to collaborate with those who killed Tunisians, stay clean stay citizen #SidiBouzid

2011-01-18 07:10:18
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

@slim404 stop interviews please, join the action! :))

2011-01-18 20:09:25
Slim Amamou @slim404

.@ifikra interview = action (freedom of speech)

2011-01-18 20:12:15
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#Tunisia: Spokesman for Min of Sport Slim Amamou (@slim404) says he will not leave Cabinet http://tinyurl.com/65bxzea #sidibouzid

2011-01-18 22:27:43

Spokesman of @slim404 to BBC World Service "Slim Amamou entered the govt so he can tweet about cabinet decisions as they happen"

2011-01-18 21:51:21
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

Open government RT @SultanAlQassemi: Spokesman of @slim404 to BBC World Service "Slim Amamou entered the (cont) http://tl.gd/87nqca

2011-01-18 22:23:40
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

They @Slim404 to wear a tie to cabinet meetings. Why? RT @bbclysedoucet: Blogger in new #tunisia govt reports (cont) http://tl.gd/87nttp

2011-01-18 22:28:28
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

Ghannouchi lasted less than 24 hrs as president. His cabinet lasted even less. Doesn't he get the point: Tunisians want you out #Tunisia

2011-01-19 01:47:43
Alaa Abd El Fattah @alaa

@blacklooks Prime Minister, he was president for 24 hours while pretending ben ali was only temporarily out

2011-01-19 02:51:27
🅿🅾🅾🅲🅷🅸🅴 🇹🇳 @walidsa3d

Many anarchists are criticizing @slim404 for being in the new government #sidibouzid

2011-01-19 02:40:45
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

BBC Breaking: Tunisian president and PM quit RCD. #tunisia

2011-01-19 02:14:20
Alaa Abd El Fattah @alaa

@abdu so did the cabinet collapse? I don't understand this part at all

2011-01-19 02:50:15
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

@alaa it seems most of the non-Ben Ali party cabinet members withdrew or have conditions. It's all but collapsed

2011-01-19 03:38:41
Alaa Abd El Fattah @alaa

@abdu tamam, may the revolution continue until tunis is truely liberated

2011-01-19 03:50:28
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

@alaa true, they should go all the way. the PM at least must be changed. Ghannouchi was PM for Ben Ali for more than a decade.

2011-01-19 03:53:47
Abdurahman Warsame (Alin) @abdu

@slim404 shouldn't the PM be someone who didn't work for Ben Ali instead of Ghannouchi?

2011-01-19 06:39:22