
関連ニュース記事 中国人ピアニスト“反響”に困惑…ホワイトハウスで「愛国曲」演奏 (サーチナ) http://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2011&d=0125&f=national_0125_051.shtml 続きを読む
deepthroat @gloomynews

胡錦濤国家主席歓迎ホワイトハウス晩餐会で、中国人ピアニストのラン・ランが朝鮮戦争をテーマにした中国共産党の反米プロパガンダ映画テーマ曲を演奏。 http://ow.ly/3Jte7 国策演奏?

2011-01-25 08:37:42
Lang Lang @lang_lang

Performed 4hands w/ @herbie__hancock at the @whitehouse state dinner last night. Incredible. http://twitpic.com/3rr6l0

2011-01-21 01:02:53
Lang Lang @lang_lang

Posting a video of the @herbie__hancock @whitehouse performance soon... stay tuned, guys!

2011-01-21 03:31:09
Lang Lang @lang_lang

Had a blast! @BarackObama said "Hey, we meet each other again!" & Michelle said "Thanks for your inspiration to my daughters learning piano"

2011-01-21 05:11:29
Lang Lang @lang_lang

I uploaded a YouTube video -- Lang Lang at the White House State Dinner part 2 http://youtu.be/GCjmn3G78FQ?a

2011-01-21 06:27:08
Lang Lang @lang_lang

Watch the @FoxNews segment on the @WhiteHouse performance: http://goo.gl/5o7Nu They suggest putting a tip jar on the piano!

2011-01-22 01:04:57
Lang Lang @lang_lang

another interview on the @whitehouse performance, with Phoenix TV in Chinese http://goo.gl/83pmU

2011-01-22 02:04:58
Lang Lang @lang_lang

@FoxNews says "Is it safe to say you're the @justinbieber of beethoven music?" http://goo.gl/5o7Nu IS IT?!! :)

2011-01-22 02:28:59
Lang Lang @lang_lang

I was deeply honored to have been invited to perform at the @WhiteHouse recently

2011-01-25 05:16:59
Lang Lang @lang_lang

The two pieces I played were, one, Maurice Ravel's Ma mere l'Oye (Mother Goose)for 4 hands, the other, a Chinese piece called My Motherland

2011-01-25 05:17:54
Lang Lang @lang_lang

I selected this song because it has been a favorite of mine since I was a child.

2011-01-25 05:18:43
Lang Lang @lang_lang

It was selected for no other reason but for the beauty of its melody.

2011-01-25 05:18:45
Lang Lang @lang_lang

I am, first and foremost, an artist. As such, I play music to bring people together.

2011-01-25 05:19:08
Lang Lang @lang_lang

America and China are my two homes. I am most grateful to the United States for providing me with such wonderful opportunities

2011-01-25 05:19:30
Lang Lang @lang_lang

both in my musical studies and for furthering my career. I couldn't be who I am today without those two countries.

2011-01-25 05:19:43
Lang Lang @lang_lang

My mission is to bridge cultures together through the beauty and inspiration of music

2011-01-25 05:20:00
Lang Lang @lang_lang

@EpochTimes @FoxNation @conservatweet The piece was selected for no other reason but for the beauty of its melody http://on.fb.me/ijiNUI

2011-01-25 05:45:52
Lang Lang @lang_lang

@WhiteHouse statement about song choice:“Any suggestion that this was an insult to the United States is just flat wrong" http://goo.gl/RHyTv

2011-01-25 10:15:25