エジプト、カイロ、アレクサンドリア、シナイなど各地で大規模反ムバラク政権デモ #jan25

現地の人々、取材に入っている英米のジャーナリストなどのツイート&写真を中心に(英語が主)。 http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/blog/2011/jan/25/middleeast-tunisia
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Nadia El-Awady @NadiaE

Got into taxi. Asked him to take us to x. Showed us 3 ppl who asked him to take to demo & refused unaware that's where WE'RE going #jan25

2011-01-25 18:57:16
Egypt Independent @EgyIndependent

A #protest started in Moharram Bek marching to el-Rasafa street in Alexandria #jan25

2011-01-25 18:59:29
Mohamed Abdelfattah @mfatta7

@ircpresident I won't geo-tag. I do write place in every tweet.

2011-01-25 19:05:19
Ian James Lee @ianjameslee

Supreme court quite amid heavy security. Feels like the calm before the storm. #jan25

2011-01-25 19:05:57

My son was arrested yesterday midnight&releasedfor writing 'tahya misr' & 'revolution' on a streetwall,naïve,but I'm MIGHTY PROUD #Jan25

2011-01-25 19:06:16
Mohamed Abdelfattah @mfatta7

I'm based in Alexandria. It's in my bio :)

2011-01-25 19:06:42
Nora Shalaby ن. شلبي @norashalaby

It's really satisfying to c Egyptian police officers working & anxious on their day off #jan25

2011-01-25 19:11:05

@Om_Jan25 yes he might be a novice& wall-writing isn't the thing to do,but I am proud that he is positive,proactive& not afraid,h'l learn

2011-01-25 19:18:25
Mohamed Abdelfattah @mfatta7

عدد من عربات الأمن المركزي تترك ميدان محطة مصر و تتجه صوب محرم بك بصحبة اطفاء - الاسكندرية #jan25

2011-01-25 19:20:29

@MohdFawzy I know,which is why political education is important:those who still don't know,will learn how to become proper activists

2011-01-25 19:22:53
Alshaheed @Alshaheeed

Groups of Egyptians are walking in Dar Al Salam area shouting #Freedom & #bread are every #Egyptian request. #Egypt #Jan25

2011-01-25 19:25:12
ashraf khalil @ashrafkhalil

#jan25 heading out to cover protests. 1st stop:Cairo University

2011-01-25 19:25:43
Mohamed Abdelfattah @mfatta7

نفس تشكيلة العربيات بميدان الرصافة - محرم بك - الاسكندرية#jan25

2011-01-25 19:33:15

The point here isn't the graffiti on the wall but what it denotes: the desire to break out of the shell of inclusion and isolation #Jan25

2011-01-25 19:33:56
benwedeman @bencnn

At supreme court man holding up sign: "mubarak dégagé" otherwise small crowd #egypt #jan25

2011-01-25 19:34:40
Ian James Lee @ianjameslee

Around 25 demonstrators at Supreme Court. #jan 25

2011-01-25 19:36:25
Mohamed Abdelfattah @mfatta7

Follow @alanany for updates on the situation in Sinai. Relatives of the detained r staging a protest

2011-01-25 19:41:13
Mohamed Abdelfattah @mfatta7

Ordinary citizens mostly know but they are in the inshallah-mood #jan25

2011-01-25 19:43:43
Ian James Lee @ianjameslee

More bystanders watching the demonstration at high court than are participating #jan25

2011-01-25 19:45:47

I directed my son to follow@Elshaheeed to learn z proper principles of activism and protest in a manner that is sustainable&effective #Jan25

2011-01-25 19:47:21
Alshaheed @Alshaheeed

large crowd infront of high court now #Jan25 #Egypt

2011-01-25 19:48:48
Alshaheed @Alshaheeed

Protests in AlAreesh, Sinai, Egypt now. #Jan25 #Egypt

2011-01-25 19:51:27
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