#Egypt #Jan25 エジプト、カイロ、タハリール広場から、2月2日 #egyjp (ムバラク支持者の乱入と暴力)

カイロ、タハリール広場からのアルジャジーラ、CNNなどのメディアの記者のツイート。 ひとり、アレキサンドリアの人がいます(女性、ガーディアン記者) 本題に入る前の前菜は、米国政府から @pjcrowley の発言数日分。 続きを読む
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Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

副大統領:Omar Souleimaneが、デモの停止と、野党との対話開始とを関係づける発言- Reuters. #egyjp

2011-02-03 05:10:46
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Breaking Al Jazeera: Fire erupts at the entrance of the Egypt Museum in Meydan Tahrir

2011-02-03 05:11:13
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

Good 2 c @esraa2008 as youth rep w/ demand: no negotitions till @ghoneim released. Youth - kick & scream 4 representation. Ur moment! #Jan25

2011-02-03 05:12:27
SteFoyLesLyonFr @SteFoyLesLyonFr

How? QT @foreignoffice "We’ll continue to work with partners in the EU & with the US to try to push things in the right direction." #Egypt

2011-02-03 05:14:35
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

If this is young Arabs' 1989, Europe must be ready with a bold response | Timothy Garton Ash http://gu.com/p/2mp9j/tf

2011-02-03 05:21:06
benwedeman @bencnn

Mubarak regime has a long history of using armed "protesters" (read provocateurs) in elections, etc. to intimidate opponents. #Jan25 #Egypt

2011-02-03 05:48:25
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

Protests give Arab media a headache: To report, or not to report? http://bit.ly/hhlgrR #jan25 #egypt

2011-02-03 05:51:23
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

Mubarak's reform plan: Procrastinate and prevaricate http://bit.ly/ejsyyM #jan25 #egypt

2011-02-03 05:51:43
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

The Egyptian regime has turned its thugs loose again ... | Ahdaf Soueif http://gu.com/p/2mpbe/tf

2011-02-03 05:51:51
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