#Egypt #Jan25 エジプト、カイロ、タハリール広場から、2月2日 #egyjp (ムバラク支持者の乱入と暴力)

カイロ、タハリール広場からのアルジャジーラ、CNNなどのメディアの記者のツイート。 ひとり、アレキサンドリアの人がいます(女性、ガーディアン記者) 本題に入る前の前菜は、米国政府から @pjcrowley の発言数日分。 続きを読む
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Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

アメリカ:オバマ大統領、目下ヨルダン国王とエジプト問題について議論中とロイター。 #egyjp

2011-02-03 04:03:21
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

What happened to "peaceful transition of power NOW"?? #Jan25

2011-02-03 04:04:43
Dan Nolan @Dan_Nolan9

Protestors say mubarak's plan was to send in goons turn it violent then crack it down.The world saw how peaceful yest was can see thru plan!

2011-02-03 04:09:35
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

写真:ラクダでジャーナリストを攻撃 → http://bit.ly/gMwqrT #egyjp ちなみに、この写真を撮影したカメラマンMehdi Chebilによれば、ラクダに踏まれたジャーナリストはそのあと再び立ち上がったとのこと。

2011-02-03 04:14:42
matthew cassel @matthewcassel

There would definitely be more anti-dictatorship protesters defending Tahrir now if they didnt have to police their own neighborhoods.

2011-02-03 04:18:06
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

Undaunted in Tahrir Square - @justimage reports from Cairo on The Electronic @Intifada http://t.co/gbyJC97 #jan25

2011-02-03 04:18:33
Mohamed El Dahshan @eldahshan

Spoke to field doctor Dr. Sherif Omar, who is out treating patients by the Museum. His description: "مجزرة". A carnage... #Egypt #Jan25

2011-02-03 04:18:44
Ian James Lee @ianjameslee

True. RT @mideastmedia: ... journalists around Cairo are calling each other to make sure everyone is OK. #Egypt #jan25 #tahrir

2011-02-03 04:22:14
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

エジプト:献血・医療ボランティア募集が増えてる Les appels aux dons de sang et au bénévolat se multiplient http://tourl.fr/ajhi http://tourl.fr/ajhj #egyjp

2011-02-03 04:28:02
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

With his total lack of compassion for people of Egypt, it's no surprise Mubarak helped Israel persecute Palestinians too for years #jan25

2011-02-03 04:33:07
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

The Neocons Split with Israel Over Egypt - The Atlantic http://t.co/sZmdvqW #jan25 #egypt

2011-02-03 04:33:55
matthew cassel @matthewcassel

RT @monasosh Thugs surrounding our car not allowing us to pass wt medical supplies #Jan25

2011-02-03 04:36:23
Mohamed El Dahshan @eldahshan

@bloggerseif I informed the field hospital of the child's description, in case the parent's come asking for him.

2011-02-03 04:37:09
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

Never forget that for years the US establishment told us this murdering mob boss Mubarak was a "moderate" #jan25

2011-02-03 04:37:54
Ian James Lee @ianjameslee

People who shoot in the air need to know, 'what goes up must come down.' #jan25 #egypt

2011-02-03 04:49:46
Mohamed El Dahshan @eldahshan

I've left Tahrir a couple of hours ago - but am nearby and observing. Will keep tweeting what I see from my window. #Egypt #Jan25

2011-02-03 04:51:55
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

Just spoke to my friend @sharifkouddous in #Egypt: "This is the real Mubarak, the world is just seeing it now on TV"

2011-02-03 04:54:10
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

タハリール広場:バリケードから退いたと見えた一部のムバラク支持派が広場周辺の建物屋上から火炎瓶を投げているとMarc Daou #egyjp

2011-02-03 04:54:13
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

To the Point/PRI done, heading to MSNBC.

2011-02-03 05:04:55
benwedeman @bencnn

Al-Arabiya TV correspondent Ahmed Abdullah has been found. Was severely beaten, now in hospital. #Jan25 #Egypt

2011-02-03 05:09:00
Daily News Egypt @DailyNewsEgypt

Health ministry: 1 killed, over 600 injured in Tahrir clashes #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir

2011-02-03 05:09:27
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

My sister-in-law's brother and cousin are out of the museum where were trapped, trying to make way home. Godspeed guys. #Jan25

2011-02-03 05:09:56
SteFoyLesLyonFr @SteFoyLesLyonFr

What's the point? @WilliamJHague "We want a stable & democratic country in Egypt, that’s what’s in the national interest of the UK" #Egypt

2011-02-03 05:10:30
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