#Egypt #Jan25 エジプト、カイロ、タハリール広場から、2月2日 #egyjp (ムバラク支持者の乱入と暴力)

カイロ、タハリール広場からのアルジャジーラ、CNNなどのメディアの記者のツイート。 ひとり、アレキサンドリアの人がいます(女性、ガーディアン記者) 本題に入る前の前菜は、米国政府から @pjcrowley の発言数日分。 続きを読む
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Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof

#Mubarak thugs targeted journalists, to keep us from covering his crackdown. Hmph. Makes us all the more determined. #Egypt

2011-02-03 03:34:26
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

Exactly RT @shadihamid 'transition' does not equal 'mubarak should step down now' - this is where gap is btw obama admin & protesters #jan25

2011-02-03 03:34:37
SteFoyLesLyonFr @SteFoyLesLyonFr

なぜ @HASSANKONAKATA が「嫌な世界だ、嫌な世界だ、嫌な世界だ。中でも私がこの世で一番嫌いなのが親ムバーラクのエジプト人どもであったことを久しぶりに思い出した。」とつぶやくは知らないが似たような感覚を私も今もってしまう。

2011-02-03 03:36:30
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

@joshmull the imperialism here is backing Mubarak against the will of the people.

2011-02-03 03:37:17
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

@joshmull come on, Josh. That's silly. You know WH could be much clearer in demands 4 will of people to be respected ie Mubarak to go now

2011-02-03 03:42:03
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

It's v simple: unarmed #Egyptians rising up vs vicious #Mubarak thugs. No if what maybe. Good/Bad v clear in fight 4 freedom& dignity #Jan25

2011-02-03 03:43:18
Ian James Lee @ianjameslee

The army now has taken control of the situation on Mohamed Mahmoud St. Protesters on both sides have dispersed. #Egypt #jan25

2011-02-03 03:43:32
Dan Nolan @Dan_Nolan9

Cant wait to see Pres Obama's response to events today in #cairo. Yest 1mil people cried out for peaceful democracy n look at what they got!

2011-02-03 03:43:33
benwedeman @bencnn

Al-Arabiya TV reporting that one of their correspondents went missing after being attacked by pro-Mubarak "protesters" #jan25 #Egypt

2011-02-03 03:43:50
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

Yes RT @jilliancyork: It really wouldn't be that hard to a) use the word "dictator" and b) call for Mubarak to step down NOW.

2011-02-03 03:44:55
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Sorry for not tweeting on this horrible day - totally leveled by flu.

2011-02-03 03:47:50
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

Hell hath no fury like Obamabots scorned #Egypt

2011-02-03 03:48:55
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

After today Obama has to put real pressure on Eg army to force Mubarak out and end violence. Private more important than public.

2011-02-03 03:49:58
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

My guess: US desperate to dump Mubarak in order to save the pro-Israeli US-backed regime. #jan25

2011-02-03 03:52:05
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

I was supposed to teach at UN-mandated UPeace in Costa Rica Feb.3-March. Apologised, said can I postpone 2 stay 4 media work re #Egypt 1/2

2011-02-03 03:52:08
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

Bad policy is bad policy whether implemented by Bush or Obama #Egypt

2011-02-03 03:52:18
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

Felt bad at short notice but this is historic time. They terminated my visiting prof contract. I choose #Egypt revolution. #Jan25 2/2

2011-02-03 03:53:41
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Obama laid out public red lines yesterday: meaningful transition now + no violence. Mubarak violated both, now must be consequences.

2011-02-03 03:53:58
Daily News Egypt @DailyNewsEgypt

The army now has taken control of the situation on Mohamed Mahmoud St. Protesters on both sides have dispersed. #Egypt #jan25

2011-02-03 03:54:10
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

Sister-in-law in Ohio just SMS me 2 say her brother, cousin trapped in museum next to #Tahrir Sq. #Jan25

2011-02-03 03:57:24
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Hence earlier caution RT @TonyKaron: Mubarak, cut loose by Obama, unlikely to care what US wants. Regime clearly implementing its own plan

2011-02-03 03:57:58
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

Media: On Point/NPR earlier To the Point/NPR 2-3pm NYC, MSNBC 4-5pm, CBC TV 8pm so far

2011-02-03 03:58:36
Dan Nolan @Dan_Nolan9

To recap - i was in the middle of Tahrir square when clashes started today. Army made no attempt to stop pro-mubarak guys flooding in

2011-02-03 04:01:11
Dan Nolan @Dan_Nolan9

Some anti-gov protestors had been collecting sticks/bars as pro-gov arrived, told by others to put em down keep it peaceful

2011-02-03 04:01:43
Dan Nolan @Dan_Nolan9

2 sides faced off for 15mins, no violence just war of chants then kaboom! Don't know what exactly ignited it but boy did it turn ugly fast!

2011-02-03 04:02:42
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